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Student Panellist- Ed

Can you please state your name and your role in ITLR 2023?

My name is Ed Steele. I am a first-year Maths and Physics student and I'm a student panellist for the Psychology panel.

How has your role contributed to discussions on the panel?

As a joint degree student, I had the experience in the past to find out the interactions between the two different departments. That's why during ITLR I focused on the blended learning bits of it as well as the interdisciplinary bits. I felt that my lived experience in being on a joint degree course would help me find out about the good practices in the department and contribute these to the panel.

What knowledge, skills and attributes have you developed that may impact your career and employability?

This is my first practical experience in a meeting setting. I've not really done anything like this before. So I've got a better understanding of how meetings actually function in terms of agendas, in terms of contributions, and in terms of their structure as well. I think that's the most important thing I've gained.

What has been a highlight of ITLR for you?

I got a glimpse of the enthusiasm that some of the teaching staff had for their different learning methods, especially when I asked around about the new online methods they used such as Padlet and Vevox. It was really interesting as to how everyone was so engaged with it. It made me confident in the teaching I'm getting here.

What advice would you give to anyone else if they said they were going to take part in an exercise like the ITLR?

I'd say definitely do it. It's a great experience to get and it'll look on your CV as well.