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Student Panellist- Tharushi

Can you please state your name and your role in ITLR 2023?

Hi, my name is Tharushi. I was the student panelist for the history department.

How did you find your role?

I think it was very important to me because of the way I got contacted. I'm the president of a South Asian women's society. So someone contacted me because they thought it would be important to have a brown woman's voice on a panel like this. And personally I felt that that's important because a lot of the times when reviews like these happen, we hear chimes of diversity quotes and the like. And I think it's important that we have people of color in their spaces and going through reports like this and so they can bring a different perspective on to these reviews. So I felt good that I could contribute in that way.

What was the highlight for you?

The highlight was being on a team with different academics and seeing their point of view. And as a student, I think it's the right opportunity because you don't really get to be in those spaces or to look at a department and review it like that.

We got to discuss with department heads and students from those departments how we can improve the way we approach their education in the future. We also talked about AI, which was very interesting and we discussed how those things will affect education in the future.

Did this role impact your personal and professional development in any way?

Yeah, I definitely think in the initial stages, going through all the reports improved my analytical skills. I also gained from meeting new people and networking with them. It has also helped me build my confidence by being able to address people and talk about things that I'm passionate about.