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Retreat in Daily Life - Sunday 12 - Friday 17 May

A Christian retreat for University of Warwick staff and students, giving you the chance to deepen your prayer life and spend some quality time with God, in the midst of everyday life

What is a Retreat in Daily Life?

A Retreat in Daily Life is an opportunity to spend a week with time to learn about and be guided in Christian prayer alongside your normal everyday life. It involves a daily time of personal prayer (aiming at 30 minutes) and a daily half-hour individual meeting with a friendly as well as experienced prayer guide. Alongside this are workshops to help us explore prayer more generally.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone who is already Christian and who wants to deepen their prayer life;
  • Or someone who is not sure what they believe but is willing to take a risk and seriously explore the reality of God, from a Christian perspective.

Either way, it is for any searching person willing to commit to the elements of the week.

What is the programme?

As well as trying to pray for half-an-hour each day, reviewing how that prayer time went; and 4 or 5 meetings with your prayer guide, there are other components of the week:

  • Introductory and closing meetings top and tail the week with helpful suggestions.
  • There will be workshops too, which are also open to non-participants.

Why do it?

When we are generous, we discover more and more of the generosity of God. Even people who only took part because they felt sorry for their chaplain have got a lot out of the week. We encounter a God who loves and calls us. It can also be a great help in making or confirming decisions, big or small.

How much does it cost?

Students: £10 Staff: £25

Please contact a Chaplain if you’re interested in attending but the cost would be a problem.

Will it affect my studies or work?

Yes and no. The retreat runs alongside your normal week, so you won’t miss any lectures, seminars or housework responsibilities… Sorry! You may need to spend less time on Facebook, going out, or watching TV in order to make the space for prayer.

But I don’t know how to pray!

Join the club! Not a problem. That’s a great start. Come and see!

Can I participate on-line?

The lunchtime sessions will be in the Chaplaincy. The individual meetings with the guide can be in person (12 spaces) or online for as many as wish to take part. We'll also have some group sessions online for those who prefer to participate on line.

Programme for the week:

Opening Meeting (important to attend) - Sunday 12th May at 1.30pm, with lunch

Workshop 1 (Ways of Praying) - Monday lunchtime 1-2pm

Workshop 2 (Creating a Rule of Life intro.) - Tuesday lunchtime 1-2pm

Workshop 3 (Creating a Rule of Life cont.): - Thursday lunchtime 1-2pm

Closing meeting - Friday lunchtime 1-2pm

To find out more speak to David, Mark or Annie or email Chaplaincy at warwick dot ac dot uk

Retreat in Daily Life

The Retreat in Daily Life is jointly organised by the University of Warwick’s Catholic, Free Church and Anglican Chaplains and is led by staff and volunteers from the Jesuit Institute.