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Service Desk Call Management - Digital Learning / Educational Technologies

Assignment group and service changes

Following Warwick Transformation, 'Academic Technology' and associated teams is no longer extant. The team is Digital Learning, with subgroups Educational Technology, Learning Design, and Digital Learning Faculty Support. Service requests and 'how to use' calls relating to our services should be assigned to Educational Technology, who will triage and escalate internally as required. We will be amending the pages below as changes are made to Service-now.

Basics for escalating calls

There are specific examples below which describe calls that should, in most cases, be available for first-level fix. However, if a call does need to be escalated, please ensure that every effort has been made to provide:

  • Description of the issue with names of the affected tool/activity/resource/module space.
  • Screenshots showing the issue (in context, not part of a page)
  • URLs (for any tool, but especially when referring to a Moodle space, and preferably for the Moodle activity/resource).
  • What troubleshooting steps have already taken place to eliminate the common issues below.

Please note:

Calls frequently mention Moodle but relate to SiteBuilder or another tool. Always check screenshots or other information to confirm that something relates to Moodle, for example, and is not SSO (see below), SiteBuilder (check the URL), or to data upstream from Moodle (such as module registration, University status etc). Where possible we have covered this in the document below.

Assignment groups, services and service products

All calls should be assigned to ET in the first instance (unless they are incidents which, in many cases, should be assigned to Learning Systems - this process is also under review however to see what we can do to make this easier).

For more general enquiries not related to a particular tool or product.

  • Online Learning Accessibility
  • Technology Enhanced Learning Enquiry
  • Hybrid Teaching Support

These calls will be picked up and managed by Educational Technology.

ET supports the use of online teaching tools - Moodle, Mahara, EchoVideo, eStream, Vevox and Padlet.

  • Educational Technology - Accessibility
  • EchoVideo - Lecture Capture Scheduling
  • EchoVideo - Platform
  • eStream - Media streaming
  • Mahara - ePortfolio
  • Moodle - VLE
  • Padlet - Collaborative boards
  • Teaching Video Enquiries
  • Vevox - Polling and Q&A

Incidents should, in the main, be managed within IDG. Please assess all calls critically to determine if they should be handled by Learning Systems or another IDG team. Tickets assigned incorrectly will be returned to the Service Desk.

Common queries