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Ord. 9 Board of Graduate Studies

***Amendments to Ordinance 9 were last approved by the University Council at the meeting on 21 November 2018, with changes taking immediate effect.***

Ordinance on a Board of Graduate Studies

(1) There shall be a Board of Graduate Studies which shall be responsible to the Senate. The Board shall have the following functions:

(a) To regulate the admission of all graduate students and, subject to the Higher Degrees Regulations, the initial conditions of registration and any change to these conditions.

(b) To make recommendations to the Senate, after consultation with the Faculty Boards, Departments and Faculty Education Committees, if appropriate, on all matters to do with graduate study in the University.

(c) To make recommendations on the appropriate provision of academic resources and social facilities for graduate students in the University.

(d) To make awards established from University funds to graduate students and to nominate graduate students for graduate awards made by external bodies.

(e) To advise the Senate on any general or specific strategic considerations regarding graduate study.

(2) The Board shall have the following membership:

(a) A Chair appointed by the Senate, normally for a period of three years.

(b) A Deputy Chair appointed by the Senate, normally for a period of three years.

(c) The Vice-Chancellor.

(d) The Chairs or Deputy Chairs of the Faculty Education Committees of the Faculty Boards.

(e) Four members of academic staff appointed by the Senate.

(f) Seven members of academic staff, two appointed by each of the Boards of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, and three appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine normally from members of the Faculty Education Committee of each Faculty Board.

(g) One graduate student appointed by each Faculty Board from amongst the Departments within that Faculty.

(h) Up to four co-opted members of academic staff, subject to the approval of the Senate.

(i) One CDT representative from the Sciences.

(j) One CDT representative from the Social Sciences and Arts.

(k) Dean of Students.

(l) A representative from the Library.

(m) A representative from Student Careers and Skills.

(n) A representative from the Learning and Development Centre.

(o) Up to two co-opted students, subject to the approval of the Senate.