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Council Member Biographies & Register of Interests

Members' Restricted Area

Membership 2024/25

The Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council:

Sir David Normington (2025)

The Pro-Chancellor and Vice-Chair of Council:

Jayne Nickalls (31 Dec 2025)

The Treasurer:

Neil Sachdev (2025)


Ex Officio Members


The Vice-Chancellor and President:

Professor Stuart Croft

The Provost:

Professor Emma Flynn



Appointed members


Up to four academic members of the Senate, appointed by the Senate:

Professor Nina-Anne Lawrence (2026)
Professor Tim Lockley (2027)
Professor Mark Newton (2026)
Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper (Jan 2028)

One member of staff from the professional services of the University appointed by the Council in 2023:*

Sam Parr (2026)



Independent Members


Such other persons not being members of the academic staff or salaried officers or students of the University and not exceeding 10 (such that the total independent representation, including ex-officio membership, shall not exceed 13 in all), appointed by the Council:

Louise Ainsworth (2025)
Yewande Akinola (2026)
Junaid Bajwa (2026)
Bal Claire (2025)
James Furse (2027)
Kate Holden (31 Dec 2026)
Richard Hyde (2027)
Adrian Penfold (2025)
Maya Prabhu (2026)
Wayne Snow (31 Dec 2026)



Student Members


The President of the Union of Students:

Enaya Nihal (2025)

One student elected by the Union of Students:

Muneeba Amjad (2025)

(The year after a member's name indicates that their term of office normally expires on 31 July of that year.)

* Please note that the process for the nomination and election of the PSS member of Council changed in May 2019.

Secretary to the Council

Dr Chris Twine

In Attendance

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International)
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Group Finance Director
Commercial Director
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer

Chief Information and Transformation Officer

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Terms of Reference

In accordance with Statutes 5, 6 and Ordinance 4.4 :

(1) To appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair.

(2) To appoint members of the Council as provided for under Statute 5.

(3) To appoint, after consultation with the Senate where prescribed, the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellors, the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Treasurer and the Pro-Vice-Chancellors.

(4) Subject to the provisions of the Charter, to make Statutes and Ordinances.

(5) To authorise, on the recommendation of the Senate, the creation of academic posts in the University.

(6) To establish degrees on the recommendation of the Senate.

(7) To suspend or abolish, on the recommendation of the Senate, any academic post except any post created by the Statutes.

(8) To determine, on the recommendation of the Senate, the conditions of appointment of the academic staff of the University.

(9) Subject to the provisions of these Statutes, to appoint, on the recommendation of the Senate, all members of the academic staff of the University.

(10) To regulate the appointment of all other members of the University staff, and to supervise the salaries and conditions of tenure of posts to which it appoints.

(11) To establish, on the recommendation of the Senate, the academic governing instruments, to prescribe their constitution and functions, and to modify or revise the same

(12) To review the work of the University and, subject to the powers of the Senate, take such steps as it thinks proper for the purpose of advancing the interests of the University, maintaining its efficiency, encouraging teaching, the pursuit of learning and the prosecution of research therein, and providing for the recreation and well-being of students.

(13) To determine, after considering the recommendations of the Senate, all University fees.

(14) To establish, on the recommendation of the Senate and subject to any conditions made by the founders, the general arrangements for the award of Teaching Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentships, Prizes and other aids to study and research.

(15) To provide for the welfare of the students of the University after taking into consideration any recommendation or report by the Senate.

(16) To take such steps as it thinks proper for supervising organisations of students and to approve any amendments to the constitution of the Students’ Union provided that before determining any question under this sub-section which directly affects the educational purpose of the University, the Council will take into consideration any recommendation or report by the Senate.

(17) To accept transfers of all or any part of the property, assets, liabilities and engagements of the Trustees of the University of Warwick Foundation being the Trustees for the time being under the Declaration of Trust dated the twenty-fourth day of October one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two, and any later revisions or amendments thereto.

(18) To govern, manage and regulate the finances, accounts, investments, property, business and all affairs whatsoever of the University, and for that purpose to appoint bankers and any other officers or agents whom it may seem expedient to appoint, provided that before determining any question of finance which directly affects the educational policy of the University the Council shall take into consideration any recommendation or report by the Senate.

(19) To invest any moneys belonging to the University in such stocks, funds, fully paid shares or securities as the Council will, from time to time, think fit, whether within the United Kingdom or not or in the purchase of freehold or leasehold hereditaments in the United Kingdom including rents; provided that in the case of moneys held by the University as trustees the powers conferred by this paragraph shall be exercised subject to the provisions of the law relating to investment by trustees

(20) To sell, buy, exchange, lease and accept leases of real and personal property on behalf of the University

(21) To provide and maintain the buildings, premises, furniture and apparatus, and other means needed for carrying on the work of the University, provided that before determining any question under this sub-section which directly affects the educational policy of the University the Council will take into consideration any recommendation or report by the Senate.

(22) To borrow money on behalf of the University and for that purpose, if the Council thinks fit, to mortgage or charge all or any part of the property of the University, whether real or personal, and to give such other security as the Council shall think fit.

(23) To enter into, vary, carry out or cancel contracts on behalf of the University.

(24) To make provision for schemes of insurance, superannuation, pensions or retirement benefits for all salaried Officers, and so far as the Council shall think fit for other employees of the University or their dependents or relatives

(25) To select a Seal, Arms and a Mace for the University and to control the custody and use of the Seal

(26) To delay or disallow any Regulations made by the Senate that engage matters of concern to the Council

(27) Generally to exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Council by the Charter and the Statutes, including the power to make Ordinances in the exercise of those powers of the Council.

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Reporting Structure

The following Committees report directly to the Council:

Art Collection Committee
Audit and Risk Committee
University Estate and Environment Committee
Finance and General Purposes Committee
Fundraising Ethics Committee
Nominations Committee
Remuneration Committee

The following are joint Committees of the Senate and the Council:

Social Inclusion Committee (formerly the Equality and Diversity Committee)
Honorary Degrees Committee
Research Governance and Ethics Committee

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary to Council: Dr Chris Twine

Head of Governance: Katharine Gray, Head of Governance Services

Assistant Secretary: Sophie Black, Assistant Registrar (Governance)

Please use in the first instance to make contact with the Council Secretariat.

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Timetable for Submission and Report Templates

The Secretary should be notified of items of business for the Council four weeks in advance of its meeting.

Templates for reports should be requested from the email above.

Please contact the Secretariat for information on paper submission deadlines.

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Dates of meetings of the Council can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

Click here to access agendas and minutes of previous meetings.

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