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Environment and Social Sustainability Action Group (Disestablished)

On 27 June 2024 the University Estate and Environment Committee (UEEC) approved the disestablishment of the Environment and Social Sustainability Action Group (ESSAG). The Sustainability Committee was established in its place.

This page currently remains live to provide an archive.

Jump down to MembershipMembership
Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure
Jump down to SecretariatSecretariat
Jump down to MeetingsMeetings

Membership 2023/24

Co-Chairs (PSS and Academic)

Professor Emma Flynn (Provost and UEB Sponsor)

Parvez Islam, (Director of Environmental Sustainability)

Director of Estates

James Breckon

Director of the Institute for Global Sustainable Development

Professor Elena Korosteleva
Two members of academic staff nominated by Research Committee

Professor Caroline Meyer

Professor Jon Coaffee

Two members of academic staff nominated by Education Committee

Dr Volkan Degirmenci

Professor Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla

Commercial Director (or nominated representative from CCSG) Matt Drew (Director of Food & Beverage)
Finance Representative

Steve Wilkes (Deputy Finance Director)

Faculty Representatives

Dr Lee Martin (Arts)

Jackie Clarke (Social Sciences)

Richard Seago (WMG)

A Member of Professional Services Staff

Andrew Todd (Director Regional Strategy and Partnerships)

Marketing and Communications Lead

Paul Hindle, (Associate Director (Communications))

Up to five co-opted members

Fred Dahlmann (Chair, SDG Advisory Group)

Dr Caroline Kuzemko (Politics and International Studies)

Katherine Mayfield (Sustainability Champion, Ecology & Biodiversity)

Andrew Thomas (Senior Energy & Carbon Manager, Estates )

Helen Thorne (Marketing Communications Manager, Chief Communication Officers Group)

Stephanie Whitehead (Programme & Evaluation Manager, Global Sustainable Development)

Gemma Wilkins (Head of Sustainable Campus Operations)

Two representatives from the Students’ Union

Anna Taylor (2024)

Sophie Clark (2024)

NB: The year after a member's name indicates that their term of office expires on 31 July of that year.

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Terms of Reference

1. To be responsible, on behalf of the University Executive Board and the University Estate and Environment Committee, for coordinating the University’s approach to Environmental and Social Sustainability. ESSAG works with, and advises other relevant committees and groups in the context of their remit which impacts Environmental and Social Sustainability.

To discuss and recommend, as necessary, to the University Executive Board/ University Estate and Environment Committee/ Financial Plan Sub-Committee:

2. Proposals regarding the facilitation, coordination, implementation and continuous improvement of the University five Routes to Net Zero.

3. Proposals for the development of a culture of sustainability within the institution to include raising awareness, building confidence and providing support.

4. Substantive proposals to encourage and promote locally generated sustainability initiatives, including recommendations for resourcing implications as required.

5. Environmental sustainability communication programmes to raise awareness and promote broader environmental and social sustainability.

6. The University Annual Sustainability Statement, providing an assessment on progress against agreed KPIs, governance effectiveness and recommendations for improvement.

To recommend to the Policy Oversight Group:

7. Environmental and social sustainability-related policies and procedures.

To approve:

8. The establishment and disestablishment of any necessary sub-groups acting as a network of resources to actively progress sustainability Routes to Zero.

To receive:

9. Reports on the implementation of the University’s approach to Environmental and Social Sustainability.

10. Reports from Faculties, Departments and other relevant committees and groups on planning and operations, to ensure these are aligned with the University’s overarching approach to environmental and social sustainability.

11. Reports from sub-groups e.g. the Sustainable Development Advisory Group and Energy Infrastructure Group.

To report:

12. To the University Executive Board regularly (and at least three times per year) on operational activity in support of the Environmental and Social sustainability objectives.

13. To the University Estate and Environment Committee as required and at least annually.

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Reporting Structure

The Environment and Social Sustainability Action Group (ESSAG) is a sub-group of the University Estate and Environment Committee (UEEC) and an associated committee of the University Executive BoardLink opens in a new window (UEB).

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Michelle Dunckley (Senior Administrative Assistant, Estates) (

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Dates of meetings of the Environment and Social Sustainability Action Group can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

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