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Employability and Skills Working Group

The Employability and Skills Working Group is a working group of the Education Committee

Jump down to MembershipMembership
Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure
Jump down to SecretariatSecretariat
Jump down to SecretariatMeetings

Membership 2023/24

Chair: Academic Director Employability and Skills

Professor Pat Tissington

Faculty of Arts representatives

Jen Baker

Claire Woodrow

Faculty of Social Sciences representatives

Jane Bryan

Atisha Ghosh

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine representatives

Jagjeet Jutley-Neilson

Tom Ritchie

Academic Director PGT

Lee Griffin

Director of Student Opportunity

Roberta Wooldridge Smith

Head of Careers, Student Opportunity

Anne Wilson

SU representative

Anna Taylor

Head of Skills, Student Opportunity

Head of Employer Engagement, Student Opportunity

Ali Collins

Emma Taylor

Library representative


Alumni Engagement representative

Andrea Crowley

International Strategy and Relations representative

Mike Haymes

Warwick Enterprise representative

Richard Groves

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Terms of Reference (subject to approval by the Education Committee)

1. To oversee the delivery of the Employability Strategy on behalf of the Education Committee and to consider the development and delivery of programmes, services and activities supporting student employability.

To recommend to the Education Committee:

2. Strategies and policies supporting the embedding and extracting of employability and skills within and from academic curricula.

3. Reports on the delivery of the Employability Strategy and periodic refreshment of the Strategy.

4. Reports on the operation the University’s employability offer and student engagement with it.

To approve:

5. Proposals for inclusion of activities in Section 6.1 of the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

6. Departmental Employability Plans drafted jointly with Senior Careers Consultants annually.

7. Annual reports on the extent of employability content embedded within academic curricula.

8. Plans for the enhancement of employability-related elements of the student experience.

To recommend (discuss and refer up for approval):

9. Narratives for TEF submissions and other external benchmarking exercises to exemplify work undertaken to support student employability.

10. Actions to address differential outcomes observed between Graduate Outcomes for specific groups of students.

To receive (for information and assurance):

11. Reports on the development of employability resources to inform planning, facilitate alignment and share best practice.

12. Employability-related performance indicators and datasets relating to employability and Graduate Outcomes.

13. Periodic reports on the state of the graduate labour market.

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Reporting Structure

The Employability and Skills Working Group reports to the Education Committee and (where appropriate) to AQSC.

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Secretary: Samantha Merrix, Senior Careers Consultant, Computer Science and Engineering (samantha dot merrix at warwick dot ac dot uk)

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Meetings to be held once each term and to be timetabled to enable ESWG to report in to Education Committee.

The ESWG may decide to establish small "task and finish" groups for specific projects that can meet as appropriate.

Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

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