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Postgraduate Research Subcommittee

The Postgraduate Research Subcommittee has responsibility for recommending the strategic direction, regulation and policy that governs, assures the quality of, and enhances postgraduate research provision across the University. This subcommittee brings together a holistic approach to the quality and standards of research degree programmes, the training and experience of those undertaking or supervising postgraduate research, and the underpinning infrastructure and funding needed for a thriving and inclusive Postgraduate Research (PGR) community.

Jump down to MembershipMembership
Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure
Jump down to SecretariatSecretariat
Jump down to MeetingsMeetings

Membership 2024/25 (subject to approval by the Education and Student Experience Committee)

Chair Nominated by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education): Academic Director of the Doctoral College

Professor Dan Branch

Student Co-Chair: Nominated by the Students’ Union: Normally the Vice-President (Postgraduate) or an elected PGR student rep at Faculty level

Alijah Taha

Deputy Chair: Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research

Professor David Leadley

Other ex-officio academic leads


Chair of the Quality and Standards Subcommittee

Professor Andy Clark/
Professor Will Curtis

Head of the Academic Development Centre or nominee

Sara Hattersley

Dean of Students or nominee

Dr David Lees/
Mark Pulsford

Director of the Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable Skills in Science (PGCTSS)

Dr Daniel Franklin

Director of the Doctoral Education and Academia Research Centre (DEAR)

Professor Emily Henderson

Ex-officio PS leads


Head of the Doctoral College

Rhiannon Martyn

Director of Wellbeing and Safeguarding or nominee

Dr Damien Homer

Director of Education Policy and Quality or nominee

Kim Robinson

Director of Student Opportunity or nominee

Roberta Wooldridge Smith

Director of Admissions or nominee

Dr Elizabeth Hough

University Librarian or nominee

Sofia Fernandes

Deputy Director, Student Experience Division

Echo Zhou

Student members


SU Vice-President (Postgraduate)

Alijah Taha

Three non-sabbatical student representatives appointed by the Senate Nominations Panel from amongst nominations by the Students’ Union – typically PGR Faculty Reps or Chairs of PGR Student Staff Liaison Committees.

Michael Cavaliere (Faculty Rep PGR - Science, Engineering and Medicine)



Representatives of the faculties


Deputy Chair (Education), Faculty of Arts or nominee

Professor David Lambert

Deputy Chair (Education), Faculty of Science, Engineering & Medicine or nominee

Dr Nikola Chmel

Deputy Chair (Education), Faculty of Social Sciences or nominee

Dr Karen Simecek (nominee TBC)

One Director of Postgraduate Research / Graduate Studies from each Faculty, appointed by the Senate Nominations Panel

Professor Caroline Petit (Arts)

Dr Claire Bastie (Science, Engineering and Medicine)

Professor Stephanie Schnurr (Social Sciences)

Two CDT or DTP Directors, appointed by the Senate Nominations Panel


CDT or DTP Director from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Jon Coaffee

CDT or DTP Director from the Sciences

Professor Mike Tildesley

Four members of staff from the University Community, the majority of whom shall be academic staff, assigned by the Senate Nominations Panel

Marie Sams

Dr Natasha Khovanova

Dr Daniel Matthews


In attendance:


Manager, Doctoral College

Assistant Secretary

Administrative Officer, Doctoral College

SU support

Student Voice Manager, Warwick SU


Researcher Development Manager, Doctoral College

PGR Funding Manager, Doctoral College

CDT, DTP & PGR Scholarships Manager, Doctoral College

Researcher Development Consultant, Leadership and Management Development

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Terms of Reference

To approve:

1. A long-term roadmap for the work of the Subcommittee, its panels, faculties and professional services that achieves shared priorities for postgraduate research, guided by the Education and Student Experience Strategy and the Research Strategy.

2. The specification, implementation plan, guidance, and outcomes of quality assurance processes specific to postgraduate research provision detailed in the Education Quality Framework.

3. Decisions on the outcomes and actions arising from assessments of the quality of postgraduate research programmes, training and supervision – based upon the expert findings, advice and recommendations from approval panels, review panels, PSRBs, and external examiners/assessors.

4. New and revised programmes and partnerships leading to the award of a University of Warwick research degree. These decisions are typically delegated to approval panels, except where more complex or high-risk proposals are escalated for further review by the Subcommittee.

5. Guidance that supports the operationalisation of relevant regulation and policy, including on the examination, supervision, training and funding of postgraduate researchers.

6. The terms of reference, nominations for membership, delegated authority, and forthcoming priorities of bodies reporting to it.

To recommend:

7. [To the Education and Student Experience Committee and the Research CommitteeLink opens in a new window] Strategy and policy in relation to the University’s postgraduate research provision.

8. [To the Education and Student Experience CommitteeLink opens in a new window and the Senate] The University’s regulations governing research degrees and postgraduate researchers.

To receive:

9. Assurance, analysis of risk and identified areas of improvement from the work of faculties, academic departments and working groups/panels established by Subcommittee.

10. Recommendations and advice from its working groups/panels, as it relate to their specialist remits, on EDI, Training, Supervision

To report:

11. [To the Education and Student Experience Committee] Progress towards the implementation of the Postgraduate Research Strategy, namely on PGR training, supervision, parity of outcomes, and the PGR experience (including PRES).

12. [To the Research Committee] Progress towards the implementation of the Postgraduate Research Strategy, namely on the size and shape of provision, the establishment and success of Centres for Doctoral Training, funding, and research culture.

Provides assurance on:

OfS Conditions of Registration:

B1: Academic experience

B2: Resources, support and student engagement

B3: Student outcomes

B4: Assessment and awards

Adherence to the conditions of external funders

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Reporting Structure

The Postgraduate Research Subcommittee reports to the Education and Student Experience Committee with a dotted reporting line to the Research CommitteeLink opens in a new window.

The following working groups and panels report directly to the Postgraduate Research Subcommittee:

  • PGR Scholarships Working and Advisory Group
  • PGR EDI Working and Advisory Group
  • PGR Supervision Working and Advisory Group
  • PGR Training Working and Advisory Group
  • PGR Partnerships Working and Advisory Group

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Rhiannon Martyn, Senior Assistant Registrar (Graduate School)
Assistant Secretary: Laura Larard, Administrative Officer, Academic Office

Correspondence should be sent to: 

Papers for consideration by the Postgraduate Research Subcommittee should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

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Dates of meetings of the Postgraduate Research Subcommittee can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

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