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Warwick Innovation Campus Stratford Management and Investment Board

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Restricted Area for Members of the Warwick Innovation Campus Stratford Management and Investment Board

Membership 2023/24

Vice President, National and Regional Engagement (Chair)

Professor Simon Swain

Independent Member of Council

Bal Claire

Director of Development, University of Warwick Innovation Campus, Stratford-Upon-Avon

Martin Yardley

Director of Estates

James Breckon

Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Regional)

Professor Nigel Driffield

Vice-Provost, Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine

Professor Mike Ward
Head of School of Life Sciences

Professor Miriam Gifford

Head of Strategic Business Development, University of Warwick Innovation Campus, Stratford-Upon-Avon

Dr Debbie Girdlestone

Director of Corporate Finance

Jenny Greenway

Director for Industrial Engagement, WMG and CEO of High-Value Manufacturing Catapult

Professor David Greenwood

Commercial Director

Chris Hunt

Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research (Knowledge Exchange and Partnerships)

Professor Kerry Kirwan

Dean of Warwick Medical School

Professor Sudhesh Kumar

Director of Innovation

David Plumb

The Regional Director

Dr Andrew Todd

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To oversee and guide the development and delivery of the strategy, business plan and marketing plan for University of Warwick Innovation Campus, Stratford-Upon-Avon, on behalf of the University Executive Board.

Terms of Reference

To oversee:

1) Development of the strategy for the University of Warwick Innovation Campus, Stratford-Upon-Avon.

2) Development of a business plan and a marketing plan.

3) Implementation of an approved business and marketing plan.

4) Relationships with local, regional and national stakeholders (the academy, business, public sector, intermediaries).

5) The investment pipeline and decisions on acceptable investments, in line with the approved business plan.

6) The budget (within parameters and delegated authority set by University Executive Board (UEB), Financial Planning Committee (FPC) and Finance and General Purposes Committee (FGPC)).

7) Performance of the Director (who will formally report to a senior university executive).

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Reporting Structure

The Warwick Innovation Campus Stratford Management and Investment Board (WICSMIB) reports to the University Executive Board.

The WICSMIB Operations Group meets monthly, and is chaired by Martin Yardley.

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Secretary: Dr Debbie Girdlestone, Head of Strategic Business Development, University of Warwick Innovation Campus, Stratford-Upon-Avon

Assistant Secretary: Sabina Begum, Team Administrator

Please use in the first instance to make contact with the WICSMIB Secretariat.

Timetable for Submission and Report Template

Items of business for consideration by the Warwick Innovation Campus Stratford Management and Investment Board should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered. A completed report and coversheet should be submitted electronically as a Word document to

Please see the report and cover sheet templates for advice on when a cover sheet is required and how it should be set out.

The Secretariat will confirm when the paper has been approved, note any amendments required and confirm the paper number.

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Dates of the 2024/25 meetings of the Warwick Innovation Campus Stratford Management and Investment Board are as follows:

  • 8 October 2024
  • 4 February 2025
  • 5 June 2025

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