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Policy Template

A Policy Template has been developed to support the implementation of the Policy Framework, using best practice from across the University (and externally). The Policy Template should be used when developing a new policy or revising an existing one.

Completed policies should be submitted to the Policy Oversight Group ( for review alongside a Committee Coversheet and Equality Impact Assessment. Relevant templates can be found in the table below.

Template name What is it for? Example: a sample completed template

Committee Coversheet

  • The coversheet (no longer than 2 sides of A4) provides an introduction to the accompanying policy.

  • Used to summarise the policy, ensuring that its purpose, scope, and key points are clearly communicated to aid the Policy Oversight Group's understanding.

[Sample coming soon]

Policy Template

  • The policy template sets the standard for how all University policies will be written and organised, so they are easy to understand and navigate.

  • It includes the rationale and context for the policy, including any legal or regulatory requirements the policy is responding to.

[Sample coming soon]

Equality Impact Assessment
  • The Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is a way to check that a policy does not disadvantage or discriminate against different groups.
  • Conducting EIAs helps the University to meet its legal responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED).

  • Learn more about EIAs and the PSED

[Sample coming soon]

Policies are the top-level basis for internal decision-making and may be supported by 'how to' guidance provided in Codes of Practice (COPs) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The Compliance & Assurance team have developed templates for COPs and SOPs (and other associated documents) in support of the implementation of the Compliance & Assurance Framework.