- Bank Account change
Please update your bank details in Success Factors to change the account into which you wish your salary to be paid.
- Childcare Vouchers
The Computershare Voucher scheme for childcare vouchers scheme has now closed to new entrants. If you have left the scheme and have vouchers you will be unable ever to use, you may request a refund form from Computershare which should be completed and sent to Sally Hicks.
- Cut-off dates
- Cyclescheme
The University, via Cyclescheme, can purchase bicycles for employees seeking to commute to work by bike, on the agreement that the employee then repays the cost over a 12-month period from their gross pay which will produce tax and national insurance savings.
- Exchange Rates
Standard monthly $ and € exchange rates are used on SAP.
- Expenses Claim Form
Staff should claim expenses via Concur. Non-staff should claim using either a downloadable excel version of FP16a or a pdf version of FP16a.
- Forms
Payroll : Variable payroll, Salaries payroll, Unitemps payroll
- Give As You Earn
You can opt to have GAYE deductions from your pay
- Interview expenses
Candidates can claim interview expenses on form FP16f
- Mileage Allowances
Mileage allowances may be claimed when travelling on University business
- National Insurance
General information re employee's NI contributions can be found within guidance re take-home pay and guidance re your payslip
- Payslip messages
See FAQs for details on requesting a payslip message
- Per diems
Foreign subsistence may be reimbursed on a per diem basis, provided the place you are visiting is on the published list.
- Removal/Relocation costs
Full details can be found on the removal page
- Salary Costs
Current salary costs (including employer's NI & pension contributions)
- Salary Scales
Current salary scales
- Self-employment
Full details re the conditions that must be satisfied before paying anyone on a self-employed basis.
- Subsistence Allowances
The actual costs of subsistence (up to certain maxima) may be claimed when travelling on University business.
- Take-home pay
General guidance re take-home pay compared to your gross pay.
- Tax Office
The University's tax reference is 190/U50. Other tax office details are on our homepage.
- Union deductions
You may opt to have Trade Union membership fees deducted from your pay