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The Project

The Millennium system is equipped with a programming interface allowing an external program to query whether a user has fines and to pay those fines. It was possible therefore to develop a small amount of program code to extract fines and use the payment system to display them, total them and forward the customer to online payment. When a successful payment is made the TTS system calls the payment system with the payment reference and the payment system in turn instructs Millennium that the fines have been paid

Users log on using the single sign on system but changes were made to allow external users (who didn’t have an IT Services account) to authenticate in order to pay their fines. All outstanding fines are presented for payment and pre-selected but the user has the option of de-selecting an individual fine if they feel it is in dispute.

Library Fines 1

Having selected products (fines) the user is presented with a total and summary confirmation screen before moving to e-solutions secure payment page

Library Fines 2