What kinds of blog entry can I create?
University only entry
This is the option you choose if you wish to restrict who can see the entry to members of the university (both staff and students). When you click on this option and the create a new entry screen appears, you will see that the default privacy settings under 'Who can see this entry?' and 'Who can comment on this entry?' are both set to 'Staff/Students'. This means that any members of the university who are signed in can view or comment on this entry. You can change the privacy settings by clicking on the drop-down privacy list or commenting list.
World viewable entry
This is the option you choose if you wish to create an entry that can be seen by anyone (including search engines). When you click on this option and the create a new entry screen appears, you will see that the default privacy settings under 'Who can see this entry?' and 'Who can comment on this entry?' are both set to 'Anyone'. This means that anyone who views your blog will be able to see or comment on this entry. You can change the privacy settings by clicking on the drop-down privacy list or commenting list.
Private entry (Just me)
This is the option you choose if you wish to create an entry that only you can see. When you click on this option and the create a new entry screen appears, you will see that the default privacy settings under 'Who can see this entry?' and 'Who can comment on this entry?' are both set to 'Just me'. This means that you are the only person who can see or comment on this entry. If anyone else views your blog, or if you view your blog without signing in, you will not be able to see this entry. You can change the privacy settings by clicking on the drop-down privacy list or commenting list.
Private entry (Contributors)
This option will only appear on the drop down menu if you have added contributors to your blog. This is the option you choose if you wish to create an entry that can only be seen by yourself and by contributors to your blog. When you click on this option and the create a new entry screen appears, you will see that the default privacy settings under 'Who can see this entry?' and 'Who can comment on this entry?' are both set to 'Contributors'. This means that only yourself and contributors to your blog can see or comment on this entry. You can change the privacy settings by clicking on the drop-down privacy list or commenting list.
Review book/DVD/CD
This is the option you choose if you want to write a review of a book, CD or DVD. When you click on this option the create a review screen will appear, and by clicking on the tabs at the top you can choose whether you want to review a book, CD or DVD. You can also decide whether you want to link your review to Amazon. This means that the cover of the book, CD or DVD you are reviewing will appear in your entry, and the title will link to the relevant page of amazon.co.uk. You can see all the book reviews you have created by clicking on the 'Book reviews' link at the bottom of the left hand column of your blog (clicking on the 'DVD reviews' link will show you all of your DVD reviews, and clicking on the 'Music reviews' link will show you all of your CD reviews). If you go to the Blog directory and select 'Book reviews' in the 'Types of entry' box on the left hand side, you will be able to see all the book reviews written in the Warwick Blogs community (click on 'DVD reviews' to see all DVD reviews, or 'Music reviews' to see all CD reviews).
There is another kind of entry called a Prompt response that will not appear on the 'Create entry' drop down menu. A prompt response is an entry that you make in response to a specific question asked in the Warwick Blog community, called a 'prompt'. To create a prompt response, click on the 'Prompts' link in the right hand side of the utility bar of your blog, next to the 'Create' link. The outstanding blog prompts screen will appear, and you can respond to a prompt by clicking the green tick button in the 'Actions' column. You can view all the other responses to a particular prompt by clicking on the number link in the 'Responses' column. You can view all your prompt responses by clicking on the 'Prompt responses' link at the bottom of the left hand column of your blog.
Example: You might want to put down some ideas for an essay you have to write as part of your course and so you would choose 'Private Entry (Just Me)' as you don't want anyone else to see your work.
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