We will be moving web sign-on to new load-balanced architecture on Thursday 22nd September from 11am. This will not have any publicly visible changes, but will involve a change in the public-facing IP address of web sign-on.

Old IP address:

New IP address:

Please ensure that any service you have that talks to websignon.warwick.ac.uk respects DNS changes in order for it to pick up the new IP address. Notably, Java 1.5 and earlier does not pick up DNS changes and caches DNS resolutions for the lifetime of the JVM, so if you run a JVM-based application on Java 1.5 or earlier you should plan to restart the application on Thursday 22nd September at midday. The old IP address will no longer work after Friday 23rd September and your application may exhibit issues where it appears unable to communicate to web sign-on.

This change is being made to improve the reliability and scaleability of the web sign-on application.

If you have any questions please reply here or contact webteam@warwick.ac.uk