For those of you using the Java SSO-Client library to interact with web sign-on, a new version (2.0) has been released to our internal Maven repository and to which contains a number of breaking changes - it is expected that you will have to change your code in order to upgrade to this version.

  • SSO-Client's caching infrastructure is now configurable via the ssoclient.cache.strategy property. The values for this property are:
    • EhCacheIfAvailable [default] - Use ehcache if net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core is on the classpath, else fall back to InMemoryOnly
    • EhCacheRequired - Use ehcache if net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core is on the classpath, else throw exception
    • MemcachedIfAvailable - Use memcached if net.spy:spymemcached is on the classpath (configured elsewhere), else fall back to InMemoryOnly
    • MemcachedRequired - Use memcached if net.spy:spymemcached is on the classpath (configured elsewhere), else throw exception
    • InMemoryOnly - Store cache information in a ConcurrentHashMap in memory. Doesn't support cache expiry. Use only for testing
  • SSO-Client now has a required dependency on warwickutils-cache v20140319 or later. This is expressed via Maven.
  • Previously, we had a required dependency on net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:1.7.0. This dependency is now optional, but is required for EhCache support as above.
  • Three properties have been renamed:
    • userlookup.ehcache.config -> warwick.ehcache.config
    • ->
    • userlookup.groupcachesize -> warwick.cache.size

We do not intend to release any bug fixes or changes to the 1.x versions of sso-client, but they will continue to work as they do now.