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Year One Celebration Event

ESRC IAA 2023-28: Year One Celebration Event

Join us on Wednesday, 9 October to celebrate the first year of the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, the projects it has facilitated, and the broader programme of events and initiatives that have been launched to enhance skills and culture around knowledge exchange within Warwick's Social Science community.

Hear from current award holders about their work with external partners, and join a panel discussion about best practice for achieving self-sustaining impact that builds agency for the collaborators and end users of our research. We will also be formally launching the ESRC IAA Policy Hub, and hearing from the ESRC about UKRI Policy Fellowship opportunities.

We look forward to seeing you!


Wednesday 9 October

10:00 - 15:00

Scarman Conference Centre



Please note that this is subject to change.

9:30 - 10:00

Arrivals (Space 42, Scarman) - Refreshments available from the Scarman Lounge

10:00 - 10:10

Opening Remarks

- Professor James Hayton, Vice-Provost and Chair of the Faculty of Social Sciences; PI of the ESRC IAA

10:15 - 11:20

Project Showcase: Projects Supported during Year One of the ESRC IAA

Technological Change, Craft, and Local Community: Cultural Survival and Revival of the British Heritage Crafts Sector

- Professor Innan Sasaki (Warwick Business School)

Policing, Culture and Community: Effecting Change through the Arts

- Professor Jackie Hodgson (School of Law) and Dr Rachel Lewis (Sociology)

An Evidence-Informed Approach to GCSE Resits

- Dr Rebecca Morris and Dr Tom Perry (Education Studies)


11:20 - 11:30 Refreshment Break - Scarman Lounge
11:30 - 13:00 Launch: The ESRC IAA Policy Hub


- Professor Chris Moran, Deputy Chair of the Faculty of Social Sciences (Research and Impact)

The Hub: What's on Offer?

- Dr Helen Ackers (Research Impact Manager, Faculty of Social Sciences)

Policy Lab Showcase

- Dr Kavin Narasimhan (Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies)


UKRI Policy Fellowships

- Kirsty Frior and Daniel Robinson (ESRC)


13:00 - 13:45 Lunch - Lakeview Restaurant
13: 45 - 14:30

Panel Discussion: Co-creation and Building Agency for End Users

- Chair: TBC


- Dr Rajnaara Chowdhury Akhtar (School of Law)

- Professor Richard Smith (Applied Linguistics)

- Calum Wilson-Smith (Senior Project Manager, Digital Health and Rights project - Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies)

14:30 - 14:50

Launch: The 'Creating Opportunities for Local Innovation Fellowship' scheme

- Dr Kathryn van de Wiel (Research Impact Manager, Faculty of Social Sciences)

14:50 - 15:00


- Professor James Hayton, Vice-Provost and Chair of the Faculty of Social Sciences; PI of the ESRC IAA