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The insurance needs of the University has been assessed and a wide insurance programme is in place. The policies under which the University's research activities are likely to be covered are:

  • Public and Products Liability (including clinical trials cover): covers legal Liability of the University arising from accidental loss or damage to Third Party property; or injury, illness or disease to a Third Person and including liability arising from goods sold or supplied.
  • Professional Indemnity: covers the Legal Liability of the University to Third Parties for the breach of Professional duty due to the negligence of the University in the course of its business.
  • Employers Liability: covers the University's legal liability following death of or bodily injury or disease sustained by employees during and arising out of, or in the course of, their employment in the business as specified in the policy.

For further information refer to the Insurance section of the University's Finance website.


Some research activities may require to be referred to the University's Insurers before the research can commence, if the type of activity falls within the exclusion of the University’s insurance cover then there is a possibility that additional cover may be required.

Please note that not all research projects falling in the exclusions will require an additional policy however the University’s Insurers must be made aware of any such projects so that they can assess the risk. General advice from the University’s Insurers is always to refer anything which falls in the categories below.

  • Liability cap £1m and above (excludes what cannot be capped e.g. death, injury, fraud)
  • Transport e.g light rail, e-scooters, locomotives, marine
  • Aviation and Aerospace projects. Aerial devices e.g. drones, satellites, plane parts, weather balloons, propulsion systems etc
  • Sanctioned countries, refer to Export Control policy
  • Clinical trials and medical research
  • Non-accredited courses
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Contracts with TUPE implications
  • Radioactive/nuclear/toxins/lasers
  • Items capable of going into production without further third party testing e.g. baked beans
  • Research with safeguarding of children being a consideration
  • Joint insured/interest noted/indemnity to principle
  • Use of third party owned premises and/or equipment
  • Defence projects
  • Projects to be undertaken overseas, in particular the USA or Africa.
  • Contracts where the governing law is outside of the UK in particular the USA.
  • Research involving children.
  • Contracts providing a product or performance guarantee
  • Any request that demands the other party is noted as a joint Insured with the University.

Research falling within the exclusions should be referred to R&IS Departmental Officer. It is advisable to refer the project as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delay, where possible R&IS should be contacted before funding is applied for, as most funders will cover the costs associated with additional premiums.

Contracts may be delayed and unable to be finalised and signed until the University's Insurers have been consulted and if necessary appropriate cover has been put in place.

R&IS in conjunction with the Finance Office (Purchasing and Insurance) shall be responsible for referring projects. The CI or a member of the project team should provide R&IS will the following information so that the project can be assessed by R&IS and referred to the insurers if deemed necessary:

  • The Protocol/ Scope of work
  • Any terms and conditions
  • Duration of the research
  • Staff involved in the project and the activities they will undertake.

For further information please contact in the first instance your R&IS Departmental Officer. 

Non-Negligent Harm:

Non-Negligent/ No fault Indemnity cover provides compensation where there is no legal liability. The University’s insurance cover provides for negligent harm. Where arrangements for non-negligent harm cover are required then this will need to be referred to the University’s Insurers, please contact your R&IS Departmental Officer.


If your study requires a sponsor please view our sponsorship web pages for further details.