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Personal Licence

The use of animals in scientific procedures is regulated by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 which requires a three-level licensing system - personal licence, project licence and establishment licence.

Personal licence application

Each person who undertakes work under the Act must hold a personal licence. To obtain a licence you must have completed Home Office Modules 1 - 3 for a standard licence with brief anaesthesia techniqures or, HO Module 1 - 4 for surgical techniques with recovery.

ASPA e-Licencing (ASPeL)

ASPeL serves to replace the paper licensing system administered by ASRU as the regulator. ASPeL will allow you to submit licence applications electronically and receive your licences electronically in encrypted format.

ASPeL User Guidance Notes

ASPeL User Guidance  

Standard Conditions

ANIMALS (SCIENTIFIC PROCEDURES) ACT 1986 Conditions in personal licences

Internal process

Please contact to request access to ASPeL. Please be mindful that the subsequent login details that you will be sent to set up your account will only be valid for 3 days, so please make sure you have this availability upon request.