International Student Research
International research students in the UK are advised to comply with the Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research of the British Educational Research Association (BERA, 2011) together with the guidelines of their institutions for conducting research projects.
In cases where qualitative research is conducted in the students’ own national contexts, such as in China or in India, there may be additional ethical concerns for them to consider.
Cross-cultural ethical dilemmas that arise within the contexts where ethical guidelines are not administered systematically or used as legalised practices and which relate to informed consent, confidentiality and anonymity, reciprocity and power, subjectivity and biases.
When conducting, or collaborating in, research in other countries, The University and researchers based in the UK should comply with the legal and ethical requirements existing in the UK and in the countries where the research is conducted. Similarly, The University and researchers based abroad who participate in UK hosted research projects should comply with the legal and ethical requirements existing in the UK as well as those of their own country.
Further information
International Research Collaboration in UK Higher Education Institutions, DIUS Research Report 2008