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Final Reflective Entry

Use this opportunity to reflect on your URSS project and take stock of the skills you have developed and experiences you have undertaken.

What were your key objectives for completing your project and have they been met?

My objectives were to trial and disseminate a design for ethical research, accessing some of the potential of poetry. I think I have done this (doing the poster was useful), and am working on an article for Reinvention

What skills have you gained by completing your project that you will utilise in your studies or other aspects of your working life?

Research skills; research design, analytical thinking (who, what, where etc), and creative problem solving. I have developed as a writer

What will you do differently as a result of your URSS Experience?

I will approach research as the unknown, feel more confident to explore all angles of a subject before deciding on a point of view, and will tap into the power of poetry to help me do that, and to process what I find there

How has participating in the URSS Experience changed or confirmed your future study or employment plans?

I am less wary about research becomming an avalanche of unprocessable information - wondered about doing a PHD

Have there been any unexpected outcomes of taking part in the URSS Experience?

Tapping into the unknown by asking the people of CV1 for their favourite vegetarian recipes prompted me to research into healthy vegetariansim (I booked a test to see if I was deficient in vitamin B12!)

What would you consider as your highlights of the URSS Experience?

Trialing recipes, learning about research methods, making new friends, and analysing my findings in the form of an article for Reinvention

Did you encounter any challenges, issues or difficulties whilst partaking in the URSS Experience? How did you overcome them?

Challenges included

Stigma related to vegetarianism (CV1) and using poetry as research. I overcame them by being open and honest about my motivations, and what I knew and do not know

How do you feel about the URSS experience now that you have completed your project?

I think the URSS experience is a muscle building exercise, it builds skills of analysis, organisation, and motivation: confidence

What are your 3 top tips for URSS students about to start work on their research projects?

1. Do not fear the unknown - it is a source of wonder

2. Keep a trail of references to make write-ups easier

3. Keep a diary - this might also help with efficency, for example, last minute meetings with supervisors