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Initial Intentions

Why does your research project interest you?

I was interested in applying literary theory to explore unknown territory (of lanuage, and geography): to embrace, and render more widely accessible the stories of a multi-cultural city - in their own voices.

What are you hoping to achieve through your research project?

I hoped to open the fruits of an academy (academic research on environmentally friendly food choices), to its city, and vice versa, by recording people's creativity with food in a post code of Coventry known less for its economic and educational advantage than its cultural diversity (CV1).

What new skills are you hoping to develop?

I hope to develop skills of data analysis and project management.

What contribution to knowledge could your research project make?

I hope that by drawing a common root of prejudice from cultural misunderstandings (between voices not always heard in environmental debates, and a vegetarian culture),it might inform us about a black spot of environmentalism: the over consumption habits of Europe