Student Terms and Conditions
URSS Applicant
Terms & Conditions 2023
Please note, as the applicant, your application will be refused if you do not/cannot agree with all the statements below.
Please tick the box on the application form to indicate that you understand and agree to the Terms & Conditions set out below.
- I am the student wishing to take part in this research project and I am an undergraduate student enrolled at the University of Warwick.
- I have the agreement from the academic supervisor named in my application form that they will support this project
- I confirm that with my supervisor’s guidance I will obtain the full ethical approval needed for the project.
- I confirm that I will seek guidance from my supervisor regarding intellectual property, copyright and publishing issues.
- If awarded a bursary, I will complete the project and the expected submissions by the given deadline, or I may be asked to return the funding.
- If I need to withdraw from the URSS for any reason I will contact
- I understand that I cannot use my URSS project for anything required as part of my course: I must not include any work which will later be submitted (e.g. final year dissertation/research project), except as background information/introduction.
- I confirm that if travelling abroad I will complete the appropriate risk assessments and abide by any travel safety advice or regulations given by the University officials.
- I acknowledge and agree that the University reserves the right to decide at its absolute discretion how it wishes to allocate the funding to applicants. I further accept that the University shall not (unless required by law) be required to give any reasons for its decision.
- All successful applicants may be invited to participate in other opportunities to showcase their research at University exhibitions and events, such as the International Conference of UG Research. This may involve passing my details and project information onto other departments within the University. I understand that if I do not wish for my details to be shared, I must inform the URSS Coordinator by email to before I submit my final project output.
Data Protection Statement
The University of Warwick will process your personal data provided on this form for the purposes of determining whether to award a URSS bursary, providing the bursary payment and communicating with you about the URSS process.
The legal basis for processing this personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract and for the administration of the research project.
The University will process your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendment) Regulations, the General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), and any relevant replacement/subsequent UK privacy legislation, for the purposes of performing its obligations and exercising its rights under these terms and conditions. Your personal data will not be shared or disclosed to any third parties external to the University of Warwick. Your personal data will not be transferred outside of the EEA, will be kept securely by the University of Warwick and will be retained in accordance with the University’s Records Retention ScheduleLink opens in a new window.
The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of this information and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. Please visit the University’s Data Protection webpagesLink opens in a new window for further information in relation to your rights and how the University processes your personal data. The University’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted through and any requests or complaints should be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer.