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Alumni Engagement for Current Students

UUKi International Graduate Outcome Survey (QS)

Participate in UUKi International Graduate Outcome Survey (QS) and ensure the report with Warwick specific data (expected in May) is shared and analysed to support the aim of this project.


Due to the low participation number, we are unable to obtain a report with Warwick specific data, however, the UUKi report is a timely publication outlining key findings and recommendations for universities supporting international students.

Capturing recent Alumni Journey

Reach out to recent alumni (July 2023/ Jan 2024 graduates) to encourage them to share their journey (whether working in the UK or overseas after graduation) via Career Story blog webpage.


A few new recent international alumni stories have been added to the International Career Stories webpage, with colleagues in Student Opportunity and Alumni working closely to collect future career stories through a dedicated


Alumni volunteers for current students

Reach out to recent alumni (July 2023/ Jan 2024 graduates) to seek volunteers who are willing to work together to produce assets (videos, blogs) and attend networking events to help current students with their lived experience, top tips and job-seeking strategy.


6 recent Alumni had volunteered to help be a part of the alumni panel as part of Your Futures Roadshow's "Drinks Reception: Inspire and Connect" event offering valuable tips, strategies and job navigation insights to current students. The event also produced a platform for networking offering insights to loads of PGT Students

Better data to understand the intention and support needs of our International PGT graduands

Early engagement with international graduants (as part of Graduation registration or other comms) to understand the % of students who secure job offer/visa sponsorship at the point of graduation (students visa would expire shortly after Graduation Ceremony and so this will provide a more accurate data of international PGT students' graduate outcome and intention).


This data will be collected through the Graduate Outcomes Survey. Additionally, the team is including questions in the Welcome Survey to understand students' post-course intentions—whether they plan to work in the UK for a short while, return to their home country, or seek employment in an international location.