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Inclusive Welcome Week

Harmonised PGT Course Start Date

Consider joint peer-led sessions for Welcome 2024

Based on current student feedback, explore options for offering joint events for international PGT students during Welcome 2024, offering topic-specific peer-led experience sharing session, and panel-discussion style networking events to enable them to learn from current (outgoing) PGT students, and make connection with other home and international PGT students outside of their immediate department, course or cohort.


Conversation is ongoing to introduce peer-led sessions specifically for international students in the Arrivals Weekend of Welcome 2024 in collaboration with Welcome team and Residential Community Team, and embed this in various welcome activities such as the International Student Welcome event.

Harmonising PGT course start date (for 2025/26 entry)

Use data to understand student behaviour (entry date to the UK), current departmental engagement (departmental event offering for PGT students), and student sign-up for PGT Welcome Week event sessions (in 2022 and 2023) to establish evidence, gather feedback from colleagues in both professional services and academic departments, convey the benefit of harmonising the PGT course start date to the Monday of Welcome Week and seek approval.


The proposal has received support from all Faculty Education Boards, SLEEC, and has been approved by the Education Committee on 4 June. See full details of the change including what happens next on this Fact Sheet.