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Heads of Department

What do I do if I am notified of a student death?

Out of hours: If you are notified of a student death out of hours, contact the Community Safety Team in the first instance. They will advise as to whether any immediate action may need to be taken, and will notify key staff. See our FAQs for staff on our webpages, about out of hours advice/ support.

During working hours: If you are notified during working hours, Wellbeing and Student Support (WSS) will co-ordinate the response in the case of a student death. You are advised to notify them on 024 76575570 ( ). They will instigate relevant University processes and support and guide departments through any subsequent actions. For any immediate or subsequent queries, the department can always contact WSS for support and advice. You will usually be given a named person as an ongoing contact.

What will happen next (University and department roles)? (cases are always individual so the required response will vary, but may include some/all of the below).

First day(s):
  • Community Safety will coordinate any emergency response
  • WSS will confirm the death by liaising with external authorities
  • WSS will notify key colleagues (both central and departmental)
  • WSS will establish contact at the appropriate time with the next of kin (Note. There can sometimes be a delay in the University being able to notify the community about a student death, whilst we establish what exactly the next of kin know, and are happy for us to share)
  • WSS/ Chaplaincy will offer initial support to students/ staff in the academic department, as well as supporting housemates and other friends who they are aware of.
  • The Comms team will support the department in preparing a statement to be sent out and advising on how/ when to do so
First week(s):
  • WSS will keep the department updated throughout, but if there are any queries, the department can direct them to WSS
  • WSS will endeavour to respond to whatever support needs emerge
  • WSS will generate a condolence letter from the VC (and let the department know when it is being sent)
  • The Chaplaincy will liaise with the department around setting up a book of condolence
  • The family may or may not advise the University about when a funeral is taking place and whether they would like anyone to attend. Generally WSS will co-ordinate / advise regarding any queries
First month:
  • WSS will usually co-ordinate an internal review following the sudden death of any student, in line with UUK guidelines. This is to review University procedures and support and see what/ if any learning points there may be. WSS will liaise with the HoD to arrange this, and invite relevant colleagues. (This might be HoD, Department Senior Tutor, and Departmental Administrator). Following this meeting WSS will summarise outcomes to this internal review
  • WSS/ Chaplaincy will offer ongoing support to students/ staff in the academic department, as well as supporting housemates and other friends who they are aware of. Impacts on individuals and cohorts can be significant and long-lasting, or can re-emerge much later. It’s helpful to be alert to ongoing concerns, and continue to signpost to support, especially around key dates or significant stress points.
  • As well as providing bereavement support to both students and staff, of any faith and no faith, Chaplaincy colleagues can also advise on/ co-ordinate a memorial event where there is a desire for this
What the department can do (with guidance):
  • Once you receive confirmation of a death, it can be useful to start to gather information on who might be closest to the deceased – who was their personal tutor/ who were they in a tutor group with/ who might be most impacted by the death – this information can be fed back to WSS to ensure these individuals are appropriately supported, as a priority
  • It might be appropriate for the HoD or line-manager of colleagues to break the news in person to individual staff members who knew the student
  • It might be appropriate for the HoD to notify the cohort by email prior to the general community being made aware. WSS will put the HoD in touch with Comms colleagues to advise on wording
  • It’s helpful to identify who in the department might be best-placed to write a few short sentences about the student which might be added to a community message
  • Often those impacted want to respond in some way, writing messages of condolence/ holding a memorial event of some sort. There is no right or wrong thing to do, but often in the initial aftermath of the death, it can be helpful simply to reassure people that there will be space to consider any/ all of these options at the appropriate time
  • If the department has specific concerns either about individuals or cohorts, they should raise this with WSS and discuss appropriate support. The department may become aware via students/ social media etc of local impact – it’s helpful to discuss any concerns with WSS and together decide how best to respond
  • Once the student is marked as deceased on their student record by the Central Administration Services, their full tabula record will only be available for a couple of days. It’s useful for the relevant colleague (Departmental Administrator) to liaise with WSS and collate any key data before this happens. It’s useful to pass on to WSS if you are aware that a student has been taking modules based in other departments, so that WSS colleagues can consider what additional support needs there might be
  • Impacts on individuals and cohorts can be significant and long-lasting, or can re-emerge much later. It’s helpful to be alert to ongoing concerns, and continue to signpost to support, especially around key dates or significant stress points.

For any further advice/ information, please contact or Tel: 024 76575570

Further FAQs for staff on key wellbeing issues can be found on our website.