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Competition terms and conditions

Student competition: terms and conditions

    1. Individuals or teams may enter more than one submission.

    2. The submission must be original.

    3. Students who submit consent to their submissions being displayed on the MyWarwick website and during Academic Integrity Celebration Week (20-24 November 2023).

    4. It is assumed that students who submit have obtained consent from any other individual involved or represented in their submission.

    5. The winners will be judged by Coventry University's Academic Manager for Student Experience, Irene Glendinning. Submissions will be judged on the following:

    • relevance to the theme of ‘Championing academic integrity in the age of AI’
    • originality
    • creativity
    • clarity of message
    • proper use of third-party copyright material

    Submission requirements

    • Video:
      • Length should be around min. 30 seconds, max. 3 minutes.
      • Provide link to video shared publicly on a video-sharing platform: Youtube, Instagram, Vimeo, TikTok - or MP4 file.
    • Poster/poem/photograph, etc.:
      • format: JPEG, PNG, PDF, MS Word document
      • digital quality, i.e., good resolution of image
    • Students should declare any use of AI in the creation of the submission


    • Prizes will be awarded according to the judging criteria above and the best submissions will receive one of:
      • 1 x £100 Amazon voucher
      • 1 x £50 Amazon voucher
      • 2 x £25 Amazon voucher
    • The student who submits the contribution via the submission form will receive the prize. It is up to the student who submitted to determine how this prize will be shared by any contributors.
    • This prize may not be sold or transferred for cash value.
    • Individuals or teams may enter more than one submission; however, only one prize will be awarded to a winning individual or team (regardless of the number of submissions they create for this contest).