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5 questions with... Team Warwick basketball captains

Our annual Varsity sporting showdown with Coventry University is happening 25 - 27 February - starting with our Basketball opening event. We spoke to our basketball captains Izaskun and Ignas about training, teamwork and chicken biryani!

What's Varsity all about and what are you looking forward to?

basketball captains ignas and izaskunIgnas: Varsity is about bringing our sports clubs, students and University community together and uniting them for a single goal! It's a really fun tournament and great to get together with students at Coventry Uni too. Our basketball teams are opening the weekend-long tournament and everyone can come and watch.

Izaskun: I've been told that varsity is such a big and fun event but I don't know what to expect as we didn't have Varsity during my first year of university. I have the feeling that is going to be great and that it is in our hands to resume the tradition and give Varsity a great comeback.

How long have you represented Warwick basketball?

Izaskun: Since last year (my first year of university). I was elected captain last year but due to covid, there was not much going on.

Ignas: I have represented Warwick basketball since last academic year (my first year at the university). Last year we did not have a regular season because of Covid-19 pandemic and this year I serve as the captain of the team.

What's the team training schedule like and what's your advice for anyone wanting to get into basketball?

Ignas: We have practices on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays.

Izaskun: I'd say don't be scared of coming to tryouts! I remember being terrified to come to tryouts during my first year of university and then I found myself running them during my second year. Definitely give it a chance!

When did you start playing basketball?

Izaskun: I started playing when I was around 10 back in Spain.

Ignas: I started playing basketball at the age of 7.

What are your goals for Varsity and how will you lead your teams?

Ignas: Our team’s goal is to win the game and make the match as exciting to watch as possible! Talking about my personal goals, I just want to help my team any way I can.

Izaskun: As captain I try to keep order but make sure everyone is having a good time, and in the team I try to get everyone as involved as possible, especially new recruits. At the end of the day, we're a team and we want continuity so I try to make our new recruits feel like they can count on our senior players.

Five cheeky bonus questions

What's in your travel mug, tea or coffee?

Ignas: Coffee, 100%.

Izaskun: I'm trying to switch to tea lately.

What do you do to relax?

Izaskun: I normally hang out with friends or maybe read.

Ignas: I usually hang out with my friends or watch movies.

Where's your favourite place on campus?

Izaskun: I like the sports hub, very fun memories there.

Ignas: Kitchen in the WBS undergraduate learning grid (one of a few places on campus that has a microwave). Or the Interchange as I have spent quite a lot of time there waiting for the bus to Leamington!

What's your favourite meal to cook?

Izaskun: Tortilla de patata (you can get it at Tesco but as a Spanish person, that's a 2/10 for me)

Ignas: Chicken biryani (shoutout to my roommate Farham for putting me on it)

House plants or pets?

Ignas: House plants as they are lower maintenance.

Izaskun: Plants, preferably plastic plants so they don't die!

Come and support our teams as they take on Coventry University this weekend in our Varsity tournament. Find out more about the competition, the fixtures and keep up to date with the results over the weekend.
Go Team Warwick!