Race Equality Student Survey
Warwick is committed to addressing racial inequalities and creating an inclusive culture and environment in which individuals are able to thrive, irrespective of their race or ethnicity. This is firmly embedded in the social inclusion strand of our university strategy, one of four strategic priorities underpinning everything we do. But how are we doing? What could we do better? We want to hear from you on what it is like to study here at Warwick and whether you think there is anything we can do to eradicate racial discrimination and advance race equality.
Our race equality student survey is running from Wednesday 4 November to Tuesday 24 November inclusive and is a way for you to tell us your views and experiences first-hand and completely confidentially. By taking part, you will help us to identify areas for improvement and ways to make those improvements. We will use your feedback to develop an action plan that addresses any inequalities that exist and facilitates long-term cultural change.
The survey forms part of a wider piece of work towards an application for Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter which aims to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education. This work is overseen by the University’s Race Equality Taskforce. For more information about our involvement in Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter please see our Race Equality Charter webpage or contact us on RECM@warwick.ac.uk. The survey is just one of the ways you can be involved and we will be communicating regularly to keep you up to date with our work on this and to seek your input in the coming months.
Closing date for completing your race equality survey: Tuesday 24 November 2020