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Studying and working abroad in 2020-21

With travel bans on many countries currently in place, making plans for study and working abroad is very challenging.

At the moment we are still completing the nomination process with our partners and aiming to meet the external deadlines, however many partner Universities are shut-down or are not able to operate as usual, which will mean that there will be delays in planning and responses from them.

Therefore, the best advice is not to make any flight or accommodation commitments or to take on any additional costs until the situation becomes clearer. If you are planning to work as part of your intercalated year; you may also find it timely to check the position with your potential host.

We expect to be able to give students guidance on whether mobility in semester 1 of 2020-21 will go ahead by mid-May.

Our pre-departure briefings may give you a lot of information on planning, timelines, wellbeing and insurance and as we receive new information, we are updating our FAQs on the student mobility website as a one-stop source of information for you.