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Before you go

REMEMBER - it is expected that ALL Study Abroad students are at 2:1 standard prior to departure.


During the Autumn Term all students are invited to attend briefing sessions held by the Student Mobility team which cover the application process for study abroad and provides other critical information when considering undertaking a semester to full year long placement. Departments then organise their own briefings to inform students within their departments about the destinations available and often provide opportunities to ask questions of students who have been out the previous year. Further briefing sessions are then held in the Spring Term for students who are going to be going out the following year. Attendance at briefings is strongly encouraged to ensure you are prepared and well informed.

Sessions will be advertised on the news feed on the front page of the Student Mobility website.


Host institutions will usually provide some assistance in finding accommodation options. You may be able to live on-campus or off-campus in either university managed or privately managed accommodation. Or you may decide to find your own accommodation, please join Warwick's Study Abroad Facebook group, as students Inbound and Outbound offer advice on rooms/places. When looking for accommodation please research and when possible, visit the property.

Remember to:

  • Arrange your travel, research the area for local e.g. bank, supermarket & pharmacy
  • Register at a local medical centre when you arrive or before you travel
  • Travel with important contact information
  • Research international calling cards/mobile phones & call family or friends when you arrive

Immigration (Visas)

If you require immigration permission to enter and study in your host country, we recommend that you refer to your host university website or to the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office website.Link opens in a new window

Most of our partners will be able to advise you on what type of immigration permission you will need to study with them, and issue information on where and how you can apply for your visa. Remember that visa application procedures vary between countries and you need to make sure that you factor in enough time to make your application when preparing to study abroad. For more information please contact Warwick's Immigration Service

Travel insurance

The University offers emergency health travel insurance for all current students studying abroad with a recognised programme through a recognised scheme. This does not include any summer work placements or any departmentally organised placements. If you need clarification on whether you are entitled to use this insurance policy for the duration of your placement, please contact the Insurance Services Team. This is not private health insurance and we strongly recommend you take out a comprehensive travel insurance policy before you travel.

Depending on your host university, you may need to take out compulsory or specific health and travel insurance. Your host university will advise you on this. If this is not included in your welcome information, or you wish to investigate further insurance cover, please research this before you travel.

Travel documents

Personal information to travel with:

  • Passport number
  • Visa information if relevant
  • Driving licence number
  • Bank and/or credit card information
  • Home or emergency contact
  • Medical information and/or medical insurance information

Useful information links