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IANF Submitted


Section 1: Purpose and Contents of this page:

This page has been created to give guidance for students who have submitted an Independent Application Notification Form.

Please ensure you have carefully read the guidance provided for your situation BEFORE you contact Student Immigration.

Section 2: What happens now:

If your visa application is in relation to a replacement BRP (BRP RC) or a transfer of conditions (TOC):

We will check that you have provided all the required information and documents, and will contact you if we require anything further.

If your visa application is in relation to anything else:

A University of Warwick International Student Adviser (ISA) will check your submission and attachments to ascertain your Right to Study (or, continued right to study).

If you pass the Right to Study Check:

If all attachments and details are correct, the ISA will confirm your Right to Study.

You will receive an email to confirm this, including further steps you need to take in order to complete enrolment, if applicable.

If we cannot confirm your Right to Study:

If any details or attachments are incorrect or missing, or, if there is any other error identified, you will be contacted via your Warwick Email address.

If no Warwick Email address exists, then the email address you have provided will be used entirely at your own risk.

If you receive a request for further details, please do not ignore this, and follow the instructions given.

If you do not respond as requested within the timeframe given, the University may have no choice but to withdraw you from your course.

Section 3: Your application:

You should check the email address(s) you have given the UKVI on a regular basis.

This is because, if they require any additional information, actions or documents from you, they will send this to you via the email address(s) you have provided on your visa application form.

The UKVI will only give you a limited amount of time to respond to any email they send.

If you fail to respond, or take the actions they ask in such an email, your application will most likely be refused or rejected.

If you have made an in-time application, and your current visa has now expired, and the UKVI reject or refuse your application, you may potentially become an overstayer which could lead to a 12 month or longer re-entry ban.

The University of Warwick Immigration Service will keep track of your application progress, and will contact you and/or the UKVI on your behalf.

If you applied for a Student visa:

You should usually receive an email from the UKVI when a decision is made.

It is important to note that you will be unable to travel outside of the UK and the Common Travel Area while your visa application is in-progress, even if you have your passport and BRP card, as doing so will automatically withdraw your visa application and this may affect your ability to continue studies and/or re-enter the UK.

We would recommend that you do not book any flight tickets or holidays until you have received a decision and/or your BRP card.

If you are a visa national:

Your new visa will be in the form of a BRP (Biometric Residence Permit), which should arrive within 7 working days from the date you receive a decision by email.

If you have used our office address, once we have received your new BRP, we will contact you via email to advise you of this.

This email will also contain instructions on how to book a collection appointment.

Please remember to bring your old BRP card with you as this have to be returned to the UKVI or you may be given a financial penalty.

If the new BRP is sent to you directly, please click on the following link, complete the online form, attach a clear scan or photo of BOTH sides of your new BRP and submit:

Warwick | Student Immigration | Providing details of your current visa and/or passportLink opens in a new window

If you are a non-visa national:

Your new visa will be a Digital Status and you will not receive a BRP

You must instead download your UKVI Share Code PDF for your Digital Status, then, click on the following link, complete the online form, attach your UKVI Share code PDF, and submit:

Warwick | Student Immigration | Providing details of your current visa and/or passportLink opens in a new window

Section 4: In-time applications and Section 3C Leave:

If you have submitted your application, that is, you have paid the IHS and application fees, within the UK, and you did so before your current visa expired, you are deemed to have made an IN TIME application.

This is important, as an IN TIME applciation grants your Section 3C Leave for the duration of time that your new visa application is being decided.

What is Section 3C Leave:

Section 3C Leave means that all of your exisiting visa conditions, such as:

your right to study

your right to rent

your right to use the NHS

your visa expiry date

All extend until you receive a decision on your new visa applciation.

You cannot, however, leave the UK whilst you have an active UK Application, as doing so will automatically cancel your Application.

If you are working, please keep your employer up-to-date during your visa application process as they may require additional checks during the transition period.

Section 5: If you have further queries and useful links

If, after reading the guidance above, and you are still unsure of what you should do next, please contact Student Immigration to discuss your situation via the following methods:

    Please click on the following links for more information

    University of Warwick:

    UK Government:

    Other contacts:

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    13/Mar/2022 ISA: JL 13/Mar/2023
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    All All Page Created ISA: JL 13/Mar/2022