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A Level Bootcamp

A-level bootcamp

About the programme

Option 1: 3-Day Bootcamp in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths.

The University of Warwick is committed to working with young people to maximise their academic potential. We are offering Year 13 students who are taking part in one of our access programmes, and predicted to achieve between A* to C grades the opportunity to participate in a free three day A Level Revision Bootcamp during the Easter holidays.

Participants will learn, revise and study one subject area intensively and we aim to provide a packed timetable, which will be constructive, valuable and enjoyable. Each day will be hosted at the University of Warwick, but sessions will be delivered by qualified teachers with vast experience in their subject areas.

The bootcamp is non-residential and will take place on The University of Warwick's campus. The bootcamp will take place on the 14th, 15th and 16th April 2025. You will be required to attend all three days.

Option 2 - Revision Spaces

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer the bootcamp for all subjects and have had to prioritise those that are amongst the most popular for students on our programmes. If you are studying English Literature, History or Psychology, we are pleased to be able to offer a revision space for a very limited number of students on the following days:

Monday 14th April – English Literature

Tuesday 15th April – History

Wednesday 16th April – Psychology

These spaces will be on campus and will be staffed by student mentors from the university of Warwick who are studying the subject at degree level and/or who studied the subject at A level. You should bring your own revision and this will be a self-study event – the mentors will be on hand to help if required but will not be teaching or leading a session.

Applications will open on Monday 20th January and will close Thursday 20th February.


Widening Participation and Outreach team

Key Facts

Applications for the 2025 Easter A Level Revision Support will open in late January. Both event options will take place on 14th-16th April 2025.
Students select one subject that they feel they need the most support with to achieve their predicted grades to follow for the duration of the bootcamp.

This year's subjects are:
    • Biology (AQA only)
    • Chemistry (AQA only)
    • Mathematics
    • Physics
    This year, we are also able to offer revision spaces for students studying English Literature, History or Psychology. See programme details above for further information.
    In addition to subject and exam board specific revision, the bootcamp will provide opportunities for:
    • Developing approaches to exam strategy
    • Working with current Student Ambassadors
    • Gaining insight into study at University of Warwick
    • University information, advice and guidance sessions
      To be eligible to apply for a place at the A Level Revision Bootcamp, students must be:
      • Currently in Year 13
      • Predicted to achieve A* to C A Level grades
      • Living or studying within the Midlands area
      • Applied through UCAS this academic year (including deferred entry)
      • Attending a state funded school/college

          Students must also meet at least two of the following eligibility criteria (please note priority will be given to programme students and then those that meet the most criteria):
          • Participating on of one of our access programmes (Warwick Scholars, Pathways to the Professions, Realising Opportunities)
          • Come from a home where neither parent attended university in the UK or abroad
          • Be in receipt of or entitled to free school meals, or have been entitled to them at any point in the last six years
          • Attend a school where attainment is below the national average at GCSE or A level
          • Live in a low participation neighbourhood as defined by home postcode (The A Level Bootcamp managers will check the postcode using our contextual offer criteria)
          • Lives in or has lived in local authority care (if you meet this criterion, you will be prioritised for a place)