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About the Programme

Our goal is to help schools inspire the scientists, artists and teachers of tomorrow as well as provide teachers with the hook that will spark their pupils’ curiosity. We want to give pupils the confidence to explore new subjects and discuss their ideas. We offer in-school modules and campus visits led by our friendly Warwick students.

To find out about upcoming events, activities and opportunities, read the latest Bright Stars NewsletterLink opens in a new window.

Sign up to receive the newsletter hereLink opens in a new window.





Jo Spencer

Widening Participation Officer



Key Facts

The key information is contained within this menu. Open each section to find out more.

We allocate our provision for schools according to our Widening Participation indicators, with priority given to schools which meet the following benchmarks:
    • State school situated within Coventry or Warwickshire local authority
      • Over 30% of students claiming Free School Meals
        • Over 20% of IMD Quintile 1 pupils (Index of Multiple Deprivation)
          • Less than 70% of students reaching expected standards in reading, writing and maths at the end of KS2
          If you would like our staff to come and visit your school to deliver an assembly or a workshop, please email indicating the subjects/topics you are interested in, the possible dates and times, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
          We have many self-guided tours for teachers to do of our campus. You can find them all here. If you are interested in an organised visit to campus, please contact us and, subject to availability, we can make arrangements.

          Our Digital Resources

          have been designed to support teachers, parents and pupils online. Check out our Primary School section!


          Primary St Giles

