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How to go about engagement with sensitive topics

About the author

Hana Ayoob - credit Steve CrossHana Ayoob is science communicator and public engagement professional who’s worked in lots of different areas including patient support, science festivals and podcasting. She has several years experience engaging with the public about lots of different sensitive, difficult or controversial topics from why we test drugs on animals to whether we should cull invasive species. She also supported researchers and other individuals who are engaging with tricky topics of their own.

Twitter: @HanaAyoob



In this section

In this short video Hana explains what you should keep in mind when planning public engagement with a topic that might be tricky to talk about.

Follow up - scenarios to think about:

Adapt these scenarios to your own work, and think through them on your own or discuss them with someone else. How would you handle each situation?

  • Someone flat out disagrees with something you have said e.g. they don’t believe in man-made climate change
  • Someone gets distressed about an aspect of your research e.g. the use of AI / machine learning in a situation
  • Someone argues you shouldn’t be conducting your research the way you do e.g. they object to the use of animal testing
  • Someone asks you for advice about a personal situation e.g. for medical advice
  • Someone from industry objects to something you have said or an aspect of your research
  • A fellow academic objects to something you have said or an aspect of your research. Would your response differ depending on whether they are in a similar field to you?

Are there other scenarios you’re worried about? Think about them, make a note of them and consider how you would handle the situation if it were to happen.

If you would like more information about engaging with sensitive issues talk to a member Warwick Institute of Engagement. Also consider consulting or partnering with individuals or organisations who know your audience and/or who are familiar with the controversies around particular areas. The institute can advise on the best ways to go about this.