A to Z links
- Academic Business
How academic business is processed at the University and how teaching quality is assured.
- Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning - Policy and Procedures
The University's Policy regarding the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning.
- Adoption Leave Policy
The University's Adoption Leave Policy.
- Advertising Policy (Recruitment)
The University's Advertising Policy for the recruitment of staff.
- Alcohol and Drugs Policy
The University's Alcohol and Drugs Policy (links to Human Resources A to Z).
- Allowances Policy
The University's Allowances Policy, which outlines the rates of pay applicable to shift working, unsocial hours, callout and standby arrangements, and it includes the eligibility criteria.
- Anti-Bribery Policy
The University's Anti-Bribery Policy.
- Assembly
Membership details of the University's Assembly.
- Atrium and Cafe Booking Form (University House)
Enquire about whether you can book the Atrium and the Cafe in University House for an event.
- Career Break Policy
The University's Career Break Policy.
- Central File Store
Provides an ongoing single centralised reference resource of agenda, papers and minutes of committees for use by all University House staff.
- Central Teaching Timetable Policy
The Central Teaching Timetable Policy.
- Chancellor's Medalists
A list of the recipients of the Chancellor Medals awarded by the University since 2010.
- Child Protection Policy
The University's Child Protection Policy.
- Committee Room Bookings
Make a Committee room booking.
- Committee Rooms
View all confirmed committee room bookings in one place regardless of the room size.
- Committee Rooms: A Guide to Procedures
A guide to the procedures associated with committee rooms.
- Committee Rooms Availability
Check the live availability position of committee rooms.
- Committee Rooms: Facilities and Locations
Find out about the facilities offered in the committee rooms and how to find the rooms.
- Committee Secretaries
Information, advice and guidance for committee secretaries and assistant committee secretaries.
- Committee Timetable
The timetable for when formal Committees of the Council, Senate and of both the Senate and the Council meet.
- Complaints and Feedback Procedure
Details of the University's complaints and feedback procedures.
- Constitutional Advisory Group (CAG)
A review of the structure of the University and resulted in the publishing of the Harris Report in January 2010.
- Data Protection Policy
The University's Data Protection Policy.
- Dignity at Warwick Policy
The University's Dignity at Work and Study Policy.
- Disability Policy for Staff and Students
The University's Disability Policy for Staff and Students.
- Disruption to University Activities Update
Check here for updates regarding any disruption to activities at the University.
- Emergency Planning and Business Continuity
Managing the immediate impact of any major disaster or emergency at institutional level at the University.
- Environmental Policy
The University's Environmental Policy.
- Feedback and Complaints: Staff Guidance
Guidance for staff who deal with student feedback and complaints.
- Health and Safety Policies
The University's Health and Safety Policies.
- Honorary Graduates
A list of the recipients of Honorary Degrees awarded by the University since 2010.
- Incident Management & Business Continuity
Information on the University's business continuity procedures.
- Intellectual Property
The University’s Intellectual Property Rights Policy is governed by Regulation 28.
- IT Account Management Policy
The University's Information Technology Account Management Policy.
- IT Services Policies
IT Services Policies
- Maternity Policy
The University's Maternity Policy.
- Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA)
The Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) considers complaints from students who remain dissatisfied at the conclusion of the University's internal complaints handling procedures. Further details can be found on the OIA's websiteLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- Overtime Policy
The University's Overtime Policy.
- Paternity Leave Policy
The University's Paternity Leave Policy.
- Petitions Protocol
This document sets out the parameters for the delivery and receipt of petitions and submissions to the University.
- Policy Zone
Find out more about University policies. Search by theme or consult the Policy A-Z.
- Postgraduate Admissions Policy
The University's Postgraduate Admissions Policy.
- Procurement Policy
The University's Procurement Policy.
- Recruitment and Selection Policy
The University's Recruitment and Selection Policy.
- Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy
The University's Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy.
- Remedying Failure at PGT Level Policy
The University's Remedying Failure at Postgraduate Taught Level Policy.
- Research Data Management Policy (Interim)
The University's interim Research Data Management Policy.
- Responsibility Allowances Policy
The University's Responsibility Allowances Policy.
- Risk Management
Risk management at the University.
- Risk Management Policy
The University's Risk Management Policy.
- Secondment Policy
Link to HR Policies page.
- Security and Information Management
Information Management Policy Framework, policies for information management, governance and security at the University of Warwick.
- Security Policy
Link to the Campus Security web page which includes the Security Policy.
- Severe Weather Policy
The University's Severe Weather Policy.
- Sickness Management Policy
The University's Sickness Management Policy.
- Snow and Ice Clearance Policy
The University's Snow and Ice Clearing Policy.
- Socially Responsible Investment Policy
The University's Socially Responsible Investment Policy.
- Teaching Quality
How teaching quality is assured at the University.
- Trans and Gender Reassignment Policy
The University's Trans and Gender Reassignment Policy.
- University Card Policy
The University's Card Policy.
- University Records Management Policy
The University's Records Management Policy.
- University Strategy: Vision 2030
By 2030, Warwick will be one of the world's exceptional universities, helping to transform our region, country and world for the collective good.
- Whistleblowing Policy
Details of the University's whistleblowing policy.