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Attend the National March & Rally to protect the Right to Strike

The TUC has called a national demonstration to defend the right to strike as the government brings in minimum service levels.

Trade unionists from across the country will head to Cheltenham, marking 40 years since workers Thatcher sacked from Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) for refusing to abandon their trade union. GCHQ workers won their fight against anti-union laws, and together we can win this one.

Our workers rights are under attack again

"Celebrate our history. Protest against the government. Stand up for your rights.

Forty years ago, Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government attacked trade union rights – at GCHQ, where union members were told to resign their membership or be sacked. After a long campaign marked by the fortitude of the workers and their families, and the solidarity of the whole movement, they were reinstated when an incoming Labour government repealed the ban.

Today, the government has passed laws that could restrict the right to strike for over five million workers.. The right to strike is a fundamental British liberty. We must defend it at all costs.

We have won before. We will win again. Join our march and rally on 27 January 12:00-14:00.

The TUC are supporting this march and rally, which is organised by PCS South West."

- Protect the right to strike | TUC

Read more on Protect the right to strike march and rally | TUC

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