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Branch News

Wish to stay up-to-date about branch news and updates? Follow us on Instagram (@unisonwarwick) and Twitter/X (@UnisonWarwick).

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13 Jan 2023

AGM 2023 - 27th February at 1pm

The next branch AGM will take place on Monday 27th February at 1pm, in R1.03 on the first floor of the Ramphal Building. For anyone unable or uncomfortable attending in-person, there will also be the option to attend remotely via Microsoft Teams.

21 Jan 2022

AGM 2022

The next branch AGM will take place on March 15th at noon, in the Kevin Gately Room on the first floor of the Students' Union HQ.

11 Mar 2021

Fortnightly Members' Meetings

All UNISON branch members are invited to attend a fortnightly members' meeting. This will initially take place 1-2pm on alternating Fridays, as set out in the meetings & events section.

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