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Epigraphy: Online resources

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Searchable databases of inscriptions

  • CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
    photographic database; indices to CIL I² 2, 4 (Republican inscriptions); CIL XVII 4, 1 (milestones from Raetia and Noricum). Volumes of CIL can be browsed online via Arachne.
  • EDB = Epigraphic Database Bari (3rd-8th c. Christian epigraphy)
  • EDCS = Epigraphik Datenbank Clauss/Salby (Frankfurt)
    Extensive coverage. All Latin inscriptions published in AE up until 2004; CIL; ICUR; IGRRP; ILN; a multitude of other regional corpora.
  • EDH = Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (Latin)
    Revised & corrected versions of texts published in AE, with abbreviations expanded, fragmentary texts restored, and updated bibliographical references. New & revised texts published in the new fascicles of CIL II (Hispania) and CIL VI (Rome).
  • EDR = Epigraphic Database, Rome (Latin)
  • US Epigraphy Project (Latin inscriptions in USA collections)



  • Aphrodisias:
    ala2004 = Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: the Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions, C. Roueché [2nd edition 2004, updating 1st edn 1989]
    IAph 2007 = Inscriptions of Aphrodisias, J. Reynolds, C. Roueché, G. Bodard [online corpus of the inscriptions of Aphrodisias recorded up to 1994]
  • IThespLink opens in a new window = Paul Roesch†, Les Inscriptions de Thespies
  • Corpus des Inscriptions de Delphes, Fouilles de Delphes, Exploration archéologique de Délos, Etudes épigraphiques: all publications by the French School at Athens and Rome are available for free online at http://cefael.efa.grLink opens in a new window.
  • Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI: Monuments from Phrygia and Lykaonia.MAMA XI is a corpus of 387 inscriptions and other ancient monuments, 292 of which are unpublished, from Phrygia and Lykaonia, recorded by Sir William Calder (1881-1960) and Dr Michael Ballance (†27 July 2006) in the course of annual expeditions to Asia Minor in 1954-1957. The monuments have been edited with full commentaries, and marked-up in xml using EpiDoc electronic editorial conventions, by Peter Thonemann with the assistance of Édouard Chiricat and Charles Crowther.
  • Attic Inscriptions onlineLink opens in a new window (AIO): a website designed to make available the inscriptions of ancient Athens and Attica in English translation - translations of 281 inscribed laws and decrees of Athens, 352/1-322/1 BC, recently edited by Stephen Lambert as IG II(3) 1, 292-572.
  • Inschriften von PergamonLink opens in a new window
  • Neue Inschriften von Olympia: open access hereLink opens in a new window
  • L. Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. Contribution à l'étude du vocabulaire grec colonial. Rome, 1989 : open access hereLink opens in a new window
  • J.C. Decourt, Inscriptions grecques de la France (IGF). Lyon, 2004: open access hereLink opens in a new window
  • Database of curse tablets: TheDefix (Thesaurus Defixionum)

Scholarship Online



  • BES - British Epigraphy Society
  • CSAD - Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Oxford
  • ASGLE = American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy