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Assessed Essays



Essays must be submitted via e-submission (Tabula) by 12 noon at the latest.

When writing these essays, please check the guidelines + advice on plagiarism available on the Assessment page.

Along with the bibliography below (which is all on 1 day or 3 day loan status in the library and/or available as e-books and on-line articles), make sure you use the full bibliography page with special reference to the list of primary (ancient) sources + sourcebooks.

Q800 students will complete Term 1 essays as below, but please see the Q800 Syllabus page for Term 2 assessed assignments


Hand in deadline: Tuesday 14 November

1. When did democracy properly emerge in Ancient Greece?


G. Anderson, 2003 The Athenian Experiment: Building an imagined political community in ancient Attica, 508-490 B.C

R. Brock, 1991 'The emergence of democratic ideology', in Historia 40, 160-9

P.A. Cartledge 1998. 'Writing the history of Archaic Greek political thought' in N. Fisher & H. van Wees (eds.) Archaic Greece: New Approaches and New Evidence, 379-399

379-99. London.

C. Farrar 1988. The Origins of Democratic Thinking. The Invention of Politics in Classical Athens. Cambridge.

R. Osborne 2006. 'When was the Athenian democratic revolution?' in S. Goldhill & R. Osborne eds. Rethinking Revolutions through Ancient Greece, 10-28

J.L. O'Neil 1995. The Origins and Development of Ancient Greek Democracy

P. Woodruff 2005 First Democracy

K. Raaflaub 2007 Origins of Democracy

N. Kyriazis 2012 Why Ancient Greece?

H. Beck 2013 A Companion to Ancient Greek Government

2. Was democracy an advantage or a burden to Athens in the Peloponnesian War?


D. Kagan 2003 The Peloponnesian War

L.A. Tritle 2010 A New History of the Peloponnesian War

J.E. Lendon 2010 Song of Wrath: The Peloponnesian War Begins

G.E.M. de Ste Croix 1972 The Origins of the Peloponnesian War

J.F. Lazenby 2004 The Peloponnesian War: A Military Study

D. Pritchard (eds) 2010 War, Democracy and Culture in Classical Athens

J. Crowley 2012 The Psychology of the Athenian Hoplite

E. Robinson 2011 Stability and Crisis in the Athenian Democracy

J. De Romilly 1963 Thucydides and Athenian Imperialism

G. Cawkwell 1997 Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War

M.C. Taylor 2010 Thucydides, Pericles, and the idea of Athens in the Peloponnesian War

D. McCann & B.S. Strauss 2015 War and Democracy: A Comparative Study of the Korean War and the Peloponnesian War

3. What power could individuals have in Athenian democracy and empire?


M.I. Finley, 1962 "Athenian Demagogues," in Past and Present 21, 3-24

Christ, M. 2006 The Bad Citizen in Classical Athens

Ober, J. 1998. Political Dissent in Democratic Athens. Intellectual Critics of Popular Rule

Ober, J. 1989 Mass and Elite in Classical Athens. Rhetoric, Ideology and the Power of the People

P. Low 2008 The Athenian Empire

Podlecki, A. 1998. Pericles and his Circle

P. Liddell 2007 Civic Obligation and Individual Liberty in Ancient Athens

J. Hesk 2000 Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens

N F Jones 2004 Rural Athens under the Democracy

J. Ober 2008 Democracy and Knowledge

D. Held 2006 Models of Democracy

S. Lape 2010 Race and citizen identity in Classical Athenian Democracy

J. Shear 2011 Polis and Revolution

4. ‘Not just democratic politics, but a democratic culture’. To what extent do you agree with this assessment of Classical Athens?


Boedeker, D. & K. Raaflaub eds 1998. Democracy, Empire & the Arts in Fifth-century Athens

Castriota, D. 1992 Myth, Ethos, Actuality: Official Art in 5th-century Athens

Evans, N. 2010. Democracy and Religion in Ancient Athens. Berkeley.

J. Ma et al. 2009 Interpreting the Athenians Empire

Osborne, R. 2011 The History Written on the Classical Body

N. Fisher 1976 Social Values in Classical Athens

R. Garland 1984 'Religious authority in archaic and classical Athens', Annual of the British School at Athens 79, pp. 75-123

P. Cartledge, P. Millett and S. Todd 2002 Nomos: essays in Athenian law, politics, and society

E Harris 2006 Democracy and the rule of Law in Classical Athens: essays on law, society and politics

J. Ober 2008 Democracy and Knowledge

S. Lape 2010 Race and citizen identity in Classical Athenian Democracy

A. Missiou 2011 Literacy and Democracy

P. Christesen 2012 Sport and Democracy

D. Pritchard 2013 Sport, Democracy and War in Classical Athens

N. Evans 2010 Civic rites: democracy and religion in Athens

S. Johnston 2011 History of Trust in ancient Greece

L. Samons 2007 Cambridge Companion to the Age of Pericles

H. Beck 2013 Companion to Ancient Greek Government

M. Jameson 2014 Cults and Rites in Ancient Greece

D. Kamen 2013 Status in Classical Athens

R. Balot 2014 Courage in the Democratic Polis

E. Sanders 2014 Envy and Jealousy in Classical Athens

A. Gottesman 2014 Politics and the Street in Democratic Athens


Q800 students: see the Q800 syllabus for your assessed work assignments for Term 2.

Hand in Deadline: Wednesday 21 February

1. 'Radical' Athenian democracy: government by mass meeting or mob rule?


M. Hansen 1985 The Athenian Assembly in the Age of Demosthenes

A.H.M. Jones 1978. Athenian Democracy

B. Manville and J. Ober 2003 A Company of Citizens

R. Osborne 2010 Athens and Athenian Democracy

R.K. Sinclair 1988. Democracy and Participation in Athens

M. Scott 2009 From Democrats to Kings

R. Osborne and S. Goldhill 2007 (eds.) Debating the Athenian Cultural Revolution

R. Osborne and S. Hornblower 1994 Ritual, Finance, Politics: Athenian Democratic Accounts

C. Carey 2001 Democracy in Classical Athens

D. Held 2006 Models of Democracy

G. Herman 2011 Stability and Crisis in Athenian democracy

A. Missiou 2011 Literacy and Democracy

J. Ober 2005 Athenian Legacies

S. Johnstone 2011 History of Trust in Classical Greece

E. Harris 2013 The rule of Law in action in democratic Athens

2. Would Athenian democracy in the fifth and fourth centuries have been possible without empire?


P. Low (ed.) 2008 The Athenian Empire

J. Ma et al. 2009 Interpreting the Athenian Empire

P. Garnsey and R. Whittaker (eds) 1979 Imperialisms in the Ancient World (including Finley article on the balance sheet of empire)

M. Finley 1978 Politics in the Ancient World

M. Scott 2009 From Democrats to Kings

P. Cartledge 2002 The Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece

R. Sinclair 1988 Democracy and Participation in Athens

N. Arrington 2015 Ashes, Images and Memories

L. Samons 2007 Cambridge Companion to Age of Pericles

J. Ober 2015 The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece

E. Foster 2010 Thucydides, Pericles, and Periclean imperialism

R. Meiggs 1972 The Athenian Empire

D. Boedeker and K. Raaflaub 1998 Democracy, empire, and the arts in fifth-century Athens

I. Morris and W. Scheidel 2009 The dynamics of ancient empires : state power from Assyria to Byzantium

C. Constantakopoulou 2010 The Dance of the Islands

3. Was Athens a typical Greek democracy?


O’Neil The Origins and Development of Ancient Greek Democracy

E. Robinson 1997 The First Democracies: Early Popular Government outside Athens (65-122)

D. M. Lewis 1997 Selected Papers in Greek and Near Eastern History ch 8

S. Brock and S. Hodkinson 2000 Alternatives to Athens Chapter 1; Chapter 8 Chapter 18

P. Cartledge 2010 Ancient Greece: a history in 11 cities (Syracuse, Thebes)

P. Rhodes 2007 The Greek City States: a sourcebook

P. Cartledge 2009 Ancient Greek Political Thought in Practice

S. Carlsson, 2010 Hellenistic Democracies: Freedom, Independence and Political Procedure in Some East Greek City-States

K.A. Raaflaub, J. Ober & R. Wallace, with C. Farrar and P. Cartledge 2007. Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece

L. Canfora 2006 Democracy in Europe

D. Held 2006 Models of Democracy

E. Robinson 2011 Democracy beyond Athens

J. Arnason 2013 Greek polis and the invention of democracy

H. Beck 2013 Companion to Ancient Greek Government

P. Rhodes 2007 The Greek City States

4. What is the legacy of Athenian democracy?


M. Finley 1985 Democracy ancient and modern

P. Rhodes 2003 Ancient Democracy and Modern Ideology

J. Dunn 2004 Democracy the unfinished journey 508 BC to AD 1993

R. Dahl 2000 On Democracy

P. Vidal-Naquet 1995 Politics ancient and modern

K. Vlassopoulos 2007 Unthinking The Greek Polis: Ancient Greek history beyond eurocentrism

K. Vlassopoulos 2009 Politics: Antiquity and its legacy

J. Ober 2005 Athenian Legacies

G. Kaloudis 2000 Modern Greek democracy

L. Canford 2006 Democracy in Europe