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Essential Reading:
Ireland S., Roman Britain, A Sourcebook, 3rd ed. London 2008.
Salway P., A History of Roman Britain, Oxford 2001.

Further Reading:
This is a highly selective list of more recent items from the huge volume of material available on the subject of Roman Britain. OPAC in the Library will lead you to a fuller list, as will the bibliographies that many of the titles given contain.

Clayton P., A Companion to Roman Britain, London 1980.
Cunliffe B., The Ancient Celts, Oxford 1998.
Darvill T., Prehistoric Britain, London 1987.
de la Bédoyère G., The Finds of Roman Britain, London 1989.
de la Bédoyère G., The Golden Age of Roman Britain, Stroud 1999.
de la Bédoyère G., Companion to Roman Britain, Stoud, 1999
de la Bédoyère G., Eagles over Britannia, Stroud, 2001
Frere S. & St. Joseph J.K.S., Roman Britain from the Air, Cambridge 1983.
James S. & Rigby V., Britain and the Celtic Iron Age, London. 1997
Johns, C., The Jewellery of Roman Britain, London 1996.
Johns C., The Snettisham Roman Jeweller's Hoard, London 1997.
Jones B. & D. Mattingly An Atlas of Roman Britain, Oxford 1990.
Keppie L. J. F., Scotland's Roman Remains, 2nd ed., Edinburgh, 1998.
Millett M., The Romanisation of Britain, Cambridge 1990.
Peddie J. Invasion: the Roman Invasion of Britain, Sutton 1987.
Salway P., The Frontier People of Roman Britain, Cambridge 1965.
Salway, P. The Roman Era: The British Isles 55 BC-AD 410 (Oxford 2002)
Thomas, C., Celtic Britain, London 1997.
Todd M., Research on Roman Britain 1960-89, London 1989.
Todd, M. A Companion to Roman Britain (Oxford 2004)
Wacher, John, Portrait of Roman Britain London, 2000.
Welch, K. & A. Powell, Julius Caesar as Artful Reporter (London 1998)

Survey Histories
Breeze D.J., Roman Scotland, Frontier Country, London 1996.
Cleary S.E. The Ending of Roman Britain, London 1989.
Dark K., Britain and the End of the Roman Empire, Stroud, 2000
Faulkner N., The Decline and Fall of Roman Britain, Stroud, 2000.
Frere S., Britannia, London 1987.
Hill S. & Ireland S. Roman Britain, London 1996.
Jones, B., The End of Roman Britain, Cornell 1996.
Johnson S., Later Roman Britain, London 1982.
Liversidge J., Britain in the Roman Empire, London 1968.
Millett M., English Hertiage Book of Roman Britain, London 1995.
Nistor V., De-scribing the End of Roman Britain, Bucharest, 1996.
Potter T.W., Roman Britain, 2nd ed. London 1997.
Shotter, D., Roman Britain, London, 1998.
Todd M., Roman Britain 55 BC - AD 400, Fontana 1981, 1997.
Wacher J., Roman Britain, London 1978.

Historical Events
Casey P.J. Carausius and Allectus, London 1994.
Dudley D.R. & Webster G., The Rebellion of Boudicca, London 1962.
Grainge, G. The Roman Channel Crossing of AD 43 Oxford 2002
Hanson W.S., Agricola and the Conquest of the North, London 1987.
Manley, J. AD 43, the Roman Invasion of Britain Stroud 2002.
Sealey P., The Boudican Revolt Against Rome, Shire 1997.
Shiel N., The Episode of Carausius and Allectus, Oxford 1977.
Webster G., Rome Against Caratacus, London 1984.

Administration & Personnel
Barrett A.A. 'The Career of Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus' Britannia 10 (1979) 227-42.
Birley A.R., The People of Roman Britain, London 1979.
Birley A.R., The Fasti of Roman Britain, Oxford 1981.
Birley A.R. 'Virius Lupus', Archaeologia Aeliana 50 (1972) 179-89.
Birley A.R. Petillius Cerialis and the Conquest of Brigantia', Britannia 4 (1973) 179-90.
Birley, A., Garrison Life at Vindolanda, A Band of Brothers, Stroud, 2002.
Black E.W., Cursus Publicus, Oxford 1995.
Braund D., 'Observations on Cartimandua' Britannia15 (1984) 1-6.
Braund D., Rome and The Friendly King, London 1984.
Braund D., Ruling Roman Britain, Kings Queens, Governors and Emperors from Julius Caesar to Agricola, London 1996.
Brassington M., 'Ulpius Marcellus', Britannia11 (1980) 314-15.
Holder P.A., The Roman Army in Britain, London 1982.
Phang, S. E., The Marriage of Roman Soliders (13 BC - AD 235), Leiden, 2001.
Rankov N.B., 'M. Oclatinus Adventus in Britain', Britannia18 (1987) 243-9.
Ward J.H., 'Vortigern and the End of Roman Britain', Britannia 3 (1972) 277-89.

Branigan K., The Catuvellauni, Sutton 1985.
Cunliffe B., The Regni, Duckworth 1973.
Detsicas A., The Cantiaci, Sutton 1983.
Dunnett R., The Trinovantes, Duckworth 1975.
Hartley B. & Fitts L., The Brigantes, Sutton 1988.
Higham N. & Jones B., The Carvetii, Sutton 1985.
Ramm H., The Parisi, Duckworth 1978.
Todd M., The Coritani, Duckworth 1991.
Webster G., The Cornovii, Duckworth 1991.

Bidwell P., Roman Forts in Britain, English Heritage 1997.
Breeze D.J., Roman Forts in Britain, Shire 1983.
Cotterill J., 'Saxon Raiding and the Role of the Late Roman Coastal Forts of Britain', Britannia24 (1993) 227-39.
Johnson A., Roman Forts of the 1st & 2nd Centuries in Britain and the Provinces of Germany, London 1983.
Rylatt M., Lunt Roman Fort, Coventry 1990.
Sommer C.S. The Military Vici of Roman Britain, Oxford 1984.
Welfare H. & Swan V., Roman Camps in England: the Field Archaeology, London 1995.
Wilson R.J.A., Roman Forts, London 1980.

Hadrian's Wall viewed from WalltownHadrian's Wall and the Frontiers
Bidwell P., Hadrian's Wall 1989-1999, A Summary of Recent Excavations and Research, Carlisle, 1999.
Birley R., Vindolanda, A Frontier Post on Hadrian's Wall, London 1977.
Breeze D.J., The Northern Frontiers of Britain, London 1982.
Breeze D.J. & Dobson B., Hadrian's Wall, Penguin 1987.
Crow J., English Heritage Book of Housesteads, London 1995.
Ewin A., Hadrian's Wall, A Social and Cultural History, Lancaster, 2000
Graham F., Hadrian's Wall in the Time of the Romans, Newcastle 1983.
Graham F., Birdoswald, Bewcastle & Castlesteads in the Days of the Romans, Newcastle 1982.
Graham F., Benwell to Chesters in the Days of the Romans, Newcastle 1982.
Graham F., The Outpost Forts of Hadrian's Wall in the Days of the Romans, Newcastle 1983.
Hanson W.S. & Maxwell G.S., Rome's North West Frontier, Edinburgh 1983.
Hassall M., 'The Date of the Rebuilding of Hadrian's Wall in Stone', Britannia 15 (1984) 242-4.
Johnston D.E., The Saxon Shore, London 1977.
Johnson J., Chesters Roman Fort, London 1990.
Johnson S., English Heritage Book of Hadrian's Wall, London 1989.
Johnson S., The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore, London 1979.
Jones G.D.B. & Wooliscroft D. J., Hadrian's Wall from the Air, Stroud, 2001.
Maxfield V., The Saxon Shore, Exeter 1989.
Shotter D., The Roman Frontier, 1996.
Taylor D. J. A., The Forts on Hadrian's Wall, Oxford, 2000.
Whittaker, C.R. Frontiers of the Roman Empire, Baltimore & London, 1994.
Woodside R., Crow, J., Hadrian's Wall, An Historic Landscape, London, 1999

Davies, H. Roads in Roman Britain Stroud 2002.
Livingston H., In the Footsteps of Caesar, Shepperton 1995.
Margary I.D., Roman Roads in Britain, London 1973.
Selkirk R., On the Trail of the Legions, Ipswich 1995.
Viatores, The Roman Roads in the SE Midlands, London 1964.

Barker P., White, R., The Baths Basilica Wroxeter, Excavations 1966-90, 1997
Bidwell P.T. Roman Exeter, Fortress & Town, Exeter 1980.
Bird J., Hassall M., Sheldon H., Interpreting Roman London, Oxford 1996.
Boon G.C., Silchester, Newton Abbot 1974.
Brown A.E., Roman Small Towns in Eastern England and Beyond, Oxford 1995.
Burnham B.C., The Small Towns of Roman Britain, London 1990.
Carrington, P. Deva Victrix: Roman Chester Re-assessed Chester 2002.
Crickmore J., Romano-British Urban Settlement in the W. Midlands, Oxford 1984.
Crummy P., City of Victory, The Story of Colchester, Colchester 1997.
Cunliffe B., Fishbourne, London 1974.
Cunliffe B., Roman Bath Discovered, London 1984.
Cunliffe B., Roman Bath, London 1995.
de la Bédoyère G., The Buildings of Roman Britain, London 1991.
de la Bédoyère G., English Heritage Book of Roman Towns in Britain, London 1992.
Down A., Roman Chichester, Chichester 1988.
Haynes I., Sheldon H., Hannigan L., London Under Ground, The Archaeology of a City, Oxford, 2000.
Hurst, H. (ed.) The coloniae of Roman Britain: new studies and a review: papers of the con. - Portsmouth, R. I. : Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary series, 1999.
Jones G.D.B., Roman Manchester, Altrincham 1974.
Marsden P., Roman London, London 1980.
Mason D. J. P. Roman Chester, City of the Eagles, Stroud, 2000.
Merrifield R., London, City of the Romans, London 1983.
Milne G., The Port of London, Batsford 1985.
Milne, G., English Heritage Book of Roman London, London 1995.
Niblett, R. Verulamium, the Roman City of St Albans Stroud 2001
Ottaway P. English Heritage Book of Roman York, London 1993.
Perring, D., Roman London, London 1991.
Perring, D., The Roman House in Britain, London, 2002.
Rivet A.L.F. & Smith C., The Place Names of Roman Britain, London 1981.
Wacher J., The Civitas Capitals of Roman Britain, Leicester 1966.
Wacher J., The Towns of Roman Britain, 2nd ed. London 1995.
Wacher, J. The Archaeology of Roman Towns Oxford 2003.
Wacher J. & McWhirr A.D., Early Roman Occupation at Cirencester, Cirencester 1982.
White R., & Barker P., Wroxeter, Life and Death of a Roman City, Stroud 1989.
Zeepvat R.J., Roman Milton Keynes, Aylesbury 1987.

de la Bédoyère G., English Heritage Book of Roman Villas and the Countryside, London 1993.
Dark K. & P., The Landscape of Roman Britain, Stroud 1997.
Hingley R., Rural Settlement in Roman Britain, London 1989.
Percival J., The Roman Villa, London 1976.
Putnam B., Roman Dorset, Dovecote, 1984.
Rivet A.L.F., Town and Country in Roman Britain, London 1958.
Whitwell J.B., Roman Lincolnshire, Lincoln 1992.

Sim, D. and Ridge, I. Iron for the Eagles: the Iron Industry of Roman Britain Stroud 2002.
Wilson, P. and Price, J. Aspects of Industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North Oxford 2003.

Bird J., Roman Glass in Britain, Shire, 1998.
Bird, J., Form and Fabric: Studies in Rome's Material Past in Honour of B. R. Hartley,Oxford, 1998.
Davey N., Wall-Painting in Roman Britain, London 1982.
Henig M., The Art of Roman Britain, London 1995.
Laing J., Art and Society in Roman Britain, London 1998.
Neale D.S., Roman Mosaics in Britain, London 1981.
Neale, D.S. and Cosh, A.R. Roman Mosaics of Britain vol. 1 Northern Britain incorporating the Midlands and East Anglia London 2002.
Philp B., The Roman Painted House at Dover, Dover 1981.
Rainey A. Mosaics in Roman Britain, Newton Abbot 1973.
Scott S., Art and Society in Fourth-Century Britain: Villa Mosaics in Context, Oxford, 2000

Allason-Jones L, Coventina's Well, Hexham 1985.
Chadwick N.K., The Druids, Cardiff 1966.
Clauss, M. The Roman Cult of Mithras Edinburgh 2000.
Cunliffe B., The Temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath, Oxford 1988.
De la Bedoyere, Gods with Thunderbolts, Religion in Roman Britain Stroud 2002.
Fishwick D., The Imperial Numen in Roman Britain', Journal of Roman Studies 59 (1969) 76-91.
Fishwick D. 'The Imperial Cult in Britain', Phoenix15 (1961) 159-73, 213-29.
Harris E & Harris J.R., The Oriental Cults in Britain, Leiden 1965.
Henig M., Religion in Roman Britain, 2nd ed. London 1996.
Irby-Massie G.L., Military Religion in Roman Britain, Leiden, 1999.
Mawer C.F., Evidence for Christianity in Roman Britain, Oxford 1995.
Ross A., Pagan Celtic Britain, London 1992.
Shepherd J.D., The Temple of Mithras, London 1998.
Thomas C., Christianity in Roman Britain to AD 500, London 1981.
Watts D., Religion in Late Roman Britain, London 1998.
Webster J., 'Interpretatio: Roman Word Power and Celtic Gods', Britannia 26 (1995) 153-61.

Alcock J., English Heritage Book of Life in Roman Britain, London 1996.
Alcock J., Food in Roman Britain, Stroud, 2001.
Allason-Jones L. Women in Roman Britain, London 1989.
Bowman A.K. Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier, London 1994.
Bowman A.K. & Thomas J.D. The Vindolanda Writing Tablets, London 1994.
Macmahon, A. The Taberna Structures of Roman Britain Oxford 2003.

Bowman, A.K. et al., The Vindolanda Writing tablets = Tabulae Vindolandenses - online
Collingwood R.G. & Wright R.P., Roman Inscriptions of Britain, Vol. I 2nd ed. London 1995.
Frere SS., Roxan M., Tomlin R.S.O. Roman Inscriptions of Britain: Instrumentum Domesticum, Vol. II, Stroud 1990-5.
Keppie L., Understanding Roman Inscriptions, London 1991.

Journals & Bibliographies
Royal Historical Society: Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History.


Some of the items listed here have been made available online by the Library and can be accessed here.