Classics Degree: reading prescription
R.W. Moore, The Romans in Britain: a selection of Latin texts with a commentary (Methuen 3rd edn 1954):
sections (in Roman numerals)
1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 51, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 92, 93
We may also dip into the formulas of inscriptions.
Lectures & Seminars:
Autumn Term 2004
Week 1 Introduction: sources of information
Week 2 Celtic Britain and the Invasion of Caesar
Week 3 The Invasions of Caesar and the Aftermath
Week 4 The Claudian Invasion
Week 5 Expansion and the Boudiccan Revolt + seminar
Week 6 Reading Week
Week 7 Town & Country in Roman Britain
Week 8 Town & Country in Roman Britain
Week 9 Agricola
Week 10 Agricola + seminar
Week 11 The Second Century: The Hadrianic & Antonine Frontiers
Week 12 The Second Century: The Hadrianic & Antonine Frontiers
Week 13 Severus & the Third Century
Week 14 External Pressure & the Roman Response + seminar
Week 15 Carausius and the Restoration
Week 16 Reading week: no class
Week 17 The Fourth Century & the End of Roman Britain
Week 18 The Fourth Century & the End of Roman Britain + seminar
Week 19 Administration and Economy of Roman Britain
Week 20 Religion in Roman Britain
Summer Term 2005
Week 21 Art in Roman Britain
Week 22 The Coinage of Roman Britain
Week 23 Wroxeter
Week 24 Revision
Week 29 Excavation