- What is Epyllion?
- Greek Epyllion
- Catullus' carmina docta
- Catullus 64 and Narrative Theory
- The Shadow of Callimachus: Catullus 65 and 66
- Catullus, Gender, Genre
- The Appendix Virgiliana and the Ciris
- The Ciris, Metapoetry, Didactic and Epic
- Putting the Epyllion in Epic: Ovid Metamorphoses 8
- Excerpting Homer: Virgil Aeneid 9
- Virgil Aeneid 9: Genre, Gender, Romance
- Ecphrasis: A Marker of Epyllion?
- Aristaeus, the Coma Berenices, the Bees and the Georgics
- Orpheus and Eurydice: Walking, Metapoetics and Gallus
- A cow and bull story: Moschus Europa and Ovid Metamorphoses 2
- Ovid's Metamorphoses and Polyphony of Genre
- Back to the beginning: Statius' Hypsipyle and the Hecale
- Statius Thebaid: Walking in the Footsteps of the Epic Tradition