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You are required to produce two essays for the course, which will be assessed. Essays will jointly contribute 50% of assessment; the remaining 50% of your work will be assessed by the 2 hour examination in May/June 2008


Students reading set texts in Latin will be required to answer two questions from Section A of the paper and one question from Section B. Each Section A question requires you to translate and comment on one of two passages of Latin from the texts prescribed i.e. you have to translate and comment on two passages of Latin altogether (two thirds of the examination marks). From Section B you choose one essay title from the range available. All other students should answer three questions from Section B.


The assessed essays (2,500 words each) must be word-processed and properly printed out, have proper bibliographic references, and be clearly and accurately expressed (correct spelling, good grammar, and well-structured sentences).


Submission deadlines must be heeded: the University has regulated that essays will attract a penalty of 5% for each day they are late. If you foresee difficulties in meeting the deadline, it is imperative that you contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

The deadlines for essay submission for this course are as follows:

Essay 1: 12 noon

Essay 2: 12 noon

Note: Plagiarism

On submission of all assessed work, students are required to sign a statement to the effect that the submission represents their own work, with no unacknowledged or disguised quotations, passages, or opinions taken from secondary sources. This represents a promise that the essay does not contain plagiarism, which is a serious offence that will be heavily penalized, usually by a mark of zero. The consequences of a student being penalized for plagiarism means that he or she will find it difficult to achieve more than a third-class mark for the course as a whole. For a fuller definition, see the Departmental regulations concerning the presentation of assessed work; if in any doubt, seek advice from Personal Tutors or the Course lecturers.

• For further information about procedures, please consult the current Departmental Handbook.