Fall of the Roman Empire (2)
Fall of the Roman Empire (1964): ‘Rome everywhere’
“You have come from the deserts of Egypt … and the plains of Spain. You do not resemble each other … Yet … you are the unity which is Rome … we come now to the end of the road. Here, within our reach, golden centuries of peace. A true Pax Romana…
“No longer provinces, or colonies, but Rome — Rome everywhere.” —Marcus Aurelius (Alec Guinness), Fall (1964)
- Recap: Fall of the Roman Epic
- mis-selling epic: reviews and publicity
- Fall and generic closure:
1. Fall vs. Quo Vadis (1951): mise-en-scène, cinematography
2. Fall vs. Cleopatra (1963): thematic resonance, ‘book-ends’ to time-line
- Fall as filmic ‘intertext’:
1. last hurrah of the old ensemble
2. round-up of all the tropes
3. screen-test for future Roman talent
- Gladiator: Fall without the Gibbon?
Where did the Roman epic go from here?
- TV miniseries (e.g. I, Claudius); cf. biblical epic; and cf. straight-to-video togas in the aftermath of Gladiator
- overseas (Fellini Satyricon, cf. Jarman’s Sebastiane)
- pornographic (Caligula, again cf. Sebastiane)
- Into SF fancy dress (Star Wars)
Where it didn’t go, on the whole:
- Ancient Greece
“If you listen carefully you will hear the gods laughing.”—Commodus (Christopher Plummer)