Q800 Greek: Additional Syllabus, and Term 2 Coursework
Additional prescribed editions for Classics Students offering Greek:
- Sophocles, Antigone, ed. M. Griffith, Cambridge 'Green & Yellow' Series 1999
- Sophocles, Philoctetes, ed. S. Schein, Cambridge 'Green & Yellow' Series 2013
Note also the excellent Victorian Cambridge editions by Jebb on Sophocles, updated by Bristol Classical Press with new introductions and bibliography.
Students are expected to have copies of the prescribed editions, and to have made a start at reading the relevant texts in Greek in preparation for classes during term (Antigone for term 1; Philoctetes for term 2). The classes are designed to supplement students' own reading of the whole texts, and specifically to assist with interpretation of difficult and important passages of the prescribed plays.
Practical Criticisms
Q800 Greek students write two practical criticisms in term 2 instead of one essay.
: To be handed in by 12 noon, 9th February 2016
Write on TWO of the following THREE passages, answering the question set with specific reference to the Greek text, while paying attention to the guidelines for literary gobbets.
You will need to consult commentaries and cite and discuss relevant bibliography, presenting each answer as a mini-essay with bibliography and detailed referencing to the text specified.
The two practical criticisms should be submitted, both electronically and in hard copy, as one document of about 2,500 words in total.
1. Antigone 223–47
Question: What is significant about the guard as a character?
2. Antigone 891-915
Question: Isn't Antigone being inconsistent?
3. Philoctetes 1418–44
Question: What is difficult about the end of Philoctetes?