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One assessed essay of 2,500-3000 words in length in the first term (60% of the final mark); one 1-hour examination in the summer term consisting of two practical criticisms (40% of the final mark).

Examination (40%)

The examination will be one-hour long and will take place in the summer.

Students taking the module in translation will have to answer Question A and comment on two passages in English translation from a choice of four.

Students reading the set texts in Latin will have to answer Question B and comment on two passages in the original Latin from a choice of four. They will also be required to answer a few grammar or contextual questions to prove understanding of the Latin. They will not be required to provide a translation.

Essays (60%)

The assessed essay must be word-processed and properly printed out, have proper bibliographic references, and be clearly and accurately expressed (correct spelling, good grammar, and well-structured sentences). The number of words used, between 2500 and 3000 words (including footnotes, not including bibliography), should be given on the cover sheet. You will choose your essay from a choice of questions, but if you wish to write on a topic of your own choice, please discuss your essay title as soon as possible with the module convenor.

NB Please note that it is part of the exercise to build your own personalised bibliography as you engage with research for your essay. You are expected to include at least one primary text (from the syllabus) and at least five items of secondary literature (books, articles, book chapters). The bibliography for the course, with access to e-resources, can be found on Talis Aspire. Do feel free to contact the module's convenor for further bibliographical suggestions.


Submission deadlines must be heeded: the University has regulated that essays will attract a penalty of 5% for each day they are late. If you foresee difficulties in meeting the deadline, it is imperative that you contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies (see below). The deadlines for essay submission for this course are as follows:

Essay 1:

You may not submit essays by email, but should hand them in to the departmental office, with a cover sheet filled in, before 12 noon on or before the date posted. Anonymity of marking is an adopted principle of the University for both assessed essays and examinations.

Please refer to the departmental handbook and the document ‘Advice on writing essays’ for further information about assessment criteria and marking. This is available online.

Extensions to Essay Deadlines

Applications for an extension to the essay-deadlines are only allowed in exceptional circumstances – well-documented medical reasons etc. Any such application should be made to the Director of Undergraduate Studies well before the deadline. Problems with e.g. printers, getting hold of books, bunching-up of essay-deadlines etc. are rarely considered acceptable excuses. When an extension is granted, students must ensure that the module tutor is informed and that the extension (with date limit) is recorded by the secretaries in the ledger in the Office. Only in exceptional circumstances will an extension be allowed beyond two weeks.


Plagiarism, defined as ‘the attempt to pass off someone else’s work as one’s own’ is a variety of cheating or fraud. It is taken very seriously by the University and students who are caught can suffer penalties which are extremely detrimental to their career. Fortunately plagiarism has not been a problem in our Department and we fully anticipate that this situation will continue.
- To avoid any confusion however you should take special care with two things:
Cite the sources you are using.
Use quotation marks for the quotations you are including.
If any of the above is unclear, contact the Module tutor. There is more information in the Departmental Handbook.