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The following lecture content is indicative and may be subject to small changes. Weekly readings will be made available on the Moodle page for the module.

1. Writing images: antiquity and now.

2. Seeing God: Late antiquity, theology, and the image.

3. Prudentius (1). The Peristephanon, monuments, memorials.

4. Prudentius (2) Tituli Historiarum (Dittochaion): images into words.

5. architectural ecphrasis (1): Paulinus of Nola and the Church of St. Felix in Nola

6. reading week

7. architectural ecphrasis (2): Sidonius Apollinaris and the villa poem

8. figure poetry (1): Optatian

9. figure poetry (2): Venantius Fortunatus

10. Imaging the emperor: ecphrasis in late Latin panegyric.

Reading prescription for Q800 students / Students taking the module as a Latin text option

(this prescription is indicative, and subject to change).

1. Prudentius Peristephanon 9.

2.Prudentius Peristephanon 11 (1-120).

3. Prudentius Peristephanon 11 (121-245).

4. Paulinus of Nola Carmina 27 (tbc - 345-462).

5. Paulinus of Nola Carmina 27 (tbc - 463-542).

6. reading week

7. Paulinus of Nola (tbc - 543-643).

8. Sidonius Apollinaris Carmina 22.101-202.

9. Optatian Carmina 3.

10. Venantius Fortunatus 5.6a.