Art & Death in Neronian Culture - Syllabus
Lucan, Civil War, Books 1-2, 7-9
- Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars (Life of Nero only)
Petronius, Satyricon
Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome Books 13-16 (NB The Roman book divisions do NOT always correspond to the translation chapter divisions. Books 13-16 of the Latin are covered by Chapters 11-16 of the Penguin translation)
Seneca, Letters (5, 11, 28, 47, 53, 56, 63, 77, 82, 84, 88, 90, 108, and 114)
Recommended translations:
Lucan Civil War, translated with an introduction and notes by Susan H. Braund (Oxford World’s Classics 1992)
Suetonius The Twelve Caesars, translated by Robert Graves (Life of Nero only) (rev. edn., Penguin 2007)
Petronius Satyricon, translated with introductions and notes by J. P. Sullivan (rev. edn., Penguin 2011)
Tacitus The Annals of Imperial Rome (Books 13-16 only), translated with an introduction by Michael Grant (Penguin 1971)
Seneca, Selected Letters, ed. E. Fantham (Oxford World's Classics 2010)
If you wish to use translations other than those listed above, this may well be fine as there is often more than one good translation. Please check with the module tutor. Note, however, that all gobbets in the exams will be set from the editions above.
Ideally all students (i.e. Latinists and non-Latinists) should at least look at the Latin of the texts we are studying. You will find these in the Loeb Classical Library series.
Tacitus Annals 15.32-74: available in an edition, ed. by N. P. Miller (MacMillan 1973)
Seneca, Letters (5, 11, 28, 47, 53, 56, 63, 77, 82, 84, 88, 90, 108, and 114), in Select Letters of Seneca, ed. W.C. Summers (Bristol Classical Press 1910, repr. 1999)
Petronius Cena Trimalchionis (a continuous episode from the Satyricon) chaps 26-46: the Latin text is edited with a useful introduction by M. S. Smith (Oxford 1975)
Autumn Term 2012
Week 2 - Introduction
Lecture: Contextualising Neronian literature
Seminar: How to read silver Latin
Reading: Dio Cassius 61-3; works listed under General Bibliography [Phrases in italics under ‘Reading’ on this page denote sections of the module bibliography.]
Week 3 - Suetonius
Lecture: Introduction to Suetonius: Life, sources, works
Seminar: The Suetonian biography
Reading: General bibliography; Suetonius and Nero
Week 4 - Tacitus
Lecture: Introduction to Tacitus’ Annals
Seminar: Tacitus’ literary style
Reading: Tacitus
Week 5 - Tacitus
Lecture: Nero’s government and the Armenian campaign
Seminar: Tacitean narrative
Reading: Tacitus
Week 7 - Tacitus
Lecture: The fire of Rome and the conspiracy
Seminar: Characterisation in Tacitus
Reading: Tacitus
Week 8 - Review: Roman historiography
Lecture: Writing Greek and Roman history
Seminar: The differences between ancient and modern conceptions of history
Reading: General Bibliography; Suetonius and Nero; Tacitus
Week 9 - Petronius. ESSAYS DUE MONDAY (26th Nov.)
Lecture: Introduction to the Satyricon
Seminar: Petronian narrative
Reading: Petronius; Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Optional activity outside class-time (dependent on interest): viewing of Fellini’s film of the Satyricon
Week 10 - Petronius
Lecture: The purpose of the Satyricon
Seminar: Characters at Trimalchio’s Dinner
Reading: Petronius; The Great Gatsby
Spring Term 2013
Week 1 - Roman Philosophy
Lecture: Background to ancient philosophy, from the Greeks to the first century A.D.
Seminar: Philosophy in Roman literature
Reading: Rist, J. (1969) Stoic Philosophy, Cambridge; Griffin, M. T., and Barnes, J. (1989) Philosophia Togata I: Essays on Philosophy and Roman Society, Oxford.
Week 2 - Seneca
Lecture: Stoic philosophy and Roman values
Seminar: Analysing Seneca’s conception of philosophy
Reading: Seneca
Week 3 - Seneca
Lecture: Seneca’s life and times
Seminar: Seneca: persona and reality
Reading: Seneca
Week 4 - Seneca
Lecture: Seneca and the epistolary form
Seminar: Seneca and Lucilius
Reading: Seneca
Week 5 - Tacitus, Petronius, Seneca
Lecture: Silver Latin prose
Seminar: Comparative analysis of Tacitus, Petronius and Seneca
Reading: Comparative Studies
Week 7 - Lucan. ESSAYS DUE TUESDAY (19th Feb.)
Lecture: Lucan’s Civil War in the context of Latin epic
Seminar: What kind of an epic poet was Lucan?
Reading: Lucan
Week 8 - Lucan
Lecture: Lucan and Roman rhetorical education
Seminar: Rhetorical speeches in the Civil War
Reading: Lucan
Week 9 - Lucan and Seneca
Lecture: The Stoic hero in Roman literature
Seminar: Stoicism in Lucan and Seneca
Reading: Lucan; Coffey, M. (1996) ‘Generic impropriety in the high style: satirical themes in Seneca and Lucan’ in Klodt, C. (1996) (ed.) Satura lanx: Festschrift für Werner A. Krenkel zum 70. Geburtstag: 81-93 (provided by lecturer).
Week 10 - Conclusion: Art and death
Lecture: The place of death in Neronian literature
Seminar: Attitudes to death and dying
Reading: Robert Graves’ writings under Reception; anything on bibliography not yet read.
Summer Term 2013
Weeks 1-2 - Gobbets
Weeks 3-4 - Revision classes: examination technique; areas of concern raised by students.