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The following lecture content is indicative and may be subject to small-level change. Reading (both primary and secondary) for each week will be available on the Moodle page for this module.

Term 1

Week 1 – Introduction

Week 2 – Heterosexuality? Deconstructing constructs

Week 3 – Engendering genders: cis masculinity and cis femininity

Week 4 – Changing genders: trans identities in the ancient world?

Week 5 – Sexual deviants: tribas and cinaedus

Week 7 – Teaching sex: Ovid’s erotodidaxis and its afterlives

Week 8 – Fragile masculinity

Week 9 – Sexuality and gender at the fringes

Week 10 – Dirty Professions: Roman Sex Work in Literature

Term 2

Week 1 – Verbalising sex: sexualised swearing

Week 2 – Speaking the unspeakable: incest

Week 3 – Showing sex: metaphor and material culture

Week 4 – Warping narratives with bestiality

Week 5 – Acrasis, sexuality and intertextuality

Week 7 – Satire: drawing the lines of sex and gender

Week 8 – Engendering genres

Week 9 – Gay elegy: Ovid, Gallus and elegiac boys

Week 10 – Queering Latin literature